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July 6, 2021 8:34 pm  #1

Veteran DJ Plays Listener Requests - Made Back In 1962!

Some here will know the name Jerry Blavat, a legendary Philadelphia DJ who's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1962, when - as Elton John once noted - "rock was young." the popular jock - barely more than a teenager himself - ran a show on a one lung 250-watt radio station in Camden, N.J. 

Kids would phone in their requests and he would play them on the air, but those who couldn't get through on the constantly busy lines would write their requests and dedications in the form of snail mail letters. Some of them never got opened because there were simply too many of them. But he never threw them out. 

Which explains how the now aging "Geator with the Heater" is at last able to open them on air and finally fulfill those requests made by teens so long ago - people who are now likely grandparents. It's a cute concept and it only happened because someone thought to keep those long-delayed dedications and musical missives all these years. And it evokes a time when things on the radio were very, very different than they are now. 

A charming little story and a totally unique idea. 

Dear Jerry: South Jersey fans hear requests they made to Geator 59 years ago