Dale Patterson wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
I agree with Dale on this point - this is a bad law regardless of which party is behind it. Wrong is wrong. It's not necessarily a political issue. It's a matter of morality and the rights of people to express themselves freely. No party could possibly disagree with that. Or so we would have hoped.
It's also common sense - do you really want to give the government that power?
You're right and those who support this thing because it's being put up by one particular party should remember that the rules will remain in force when a different party they may not like comes to power in the future - and they won't be very happy then. That's why it needs to be stopped now.
I think both sides need to tone things down a bit. The government has not done a good job as usual explaining what they were thinking with this legislation. They have done an even poorer job at the supposed changes to assure Canadians that they were not looking to infringe on anyone's rights and freedoms. The Heritage minister is incompetent and a poor communicator. He should be bounced.
Freedom of speech is not absolute, and never has been. Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram and others already censor, delete and not allow various types of content. Even comments on news sites and twitter must meet community standards and some positions are not allowed, usually at the whim of moderators or electronic devices that don't like the language.
There is a former US president who is not allowed on social media sites and may be banned for many more months to come. Proof that freedom of speech, even for a former president is not absolute.
Personally, I think some of those on the right should cut down the rhetoric and deal with the facts. The fact that other parties like the NDP and Conservatives don't support this part of the legislation, and the fact that the Liberals are backtracking shows that the system for all of it's faults works. To jump to conclusions that the Liberals had some other agenda or trying to suppress the competition or other points of view is a stretch at best.
Legislating the new media to contribute to Canadian culture, pay and charge sales tax for their services are all reasonable and overdue. It seems like the Netflix, Amazon's, Prime and Disney's of this new media agree since they are all doing this and spending big money here. It wasn't that long ago that Netflix wouldn't even acknowledge the CRTC and said that the government had no place in telling them what they could and couldn't do. They don't say that now, here or in other countries. Good on Netflix and the other major players for understanding that doing business in various countries, and making a lot of money in these countries, comes with responsibilities and obligations. They received this message not just from Canada but many others as well. And this is just good business.
Last edited by paterson1 (May 13, 2021 10:00 pm)
Now even sex workers have come out against this increasingly polarizing Bill.
Is this porn Canadian enough? That could be a question the CRTC starts asking
RadioActive wrote:
Now even sex workers have come out against this increasingly polarizing Bill.
Is this porn Canadian enough? That could be a question the CRTC starts asking
Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here, Bub. Does this mean that they're currently "full-contacting" with Internet memes, rather than with real people? Hey!!! I'm paying to see real people getting shafted!
"She said subscription-based internet services — like OnlyFans, which many sex workers now use — mean they no longer have to do “full-contact” sex work."
I'm so confused.
Last edited by Dial Twister (May 21, 2021 9:51 am)