What a crazy wind storm yesterday was - turned on the antenna to check reception - of course I understand if trees are swaying it may cut the signal if a weaker one such as Buffalo, however I always noticed the CN Tower stations in heavy wind and I have decent line of sight to the tower, are always pixelating. Would it be the actual sway of the tower doing this? The signal meter would go from full to zero every few seconds particularly Global, City tv and the higher channels such as those. CFTO not effected.
I had the same issue with City. But I thought it might be my antenna blowing in the wind (apologies to Bob Dylan) not theirs.
It might be a combination of both the CN Tower, and your antenna tower being affected by the strong winds.
The CN Tower was designed to handle very strong winds/gusts... it can actually sway off centre by predetermined amounts at various heights... the antennae structure can be as much as 12 - 14" off of
centre or vertical iirc
As you mentioned, it could also be your own antenna... and perhaps a combination of both, with the addition of neighbouring trees close to your antenna or in nearby line of sight (los)
Glen Warren wrote:
It might be a combination of both the CN Tower, and your antenna tower being affected by the strong winds.
The CN Tower was designed to handle very strong winds/gusts... it can actually sway off centre by predetermined amounts at various heights... the antennae structure can be as much as 12 - 14" off of
centre or vertical iirc
As you mentioned, it could also be your own antenna... and perhaps a combination of both, with the addition of neighbouring trees close to your antenna or in nearby line of sight (los)
The antenna was shaking at times yes, but the weird part is the Buffalo stations were all stable. It was always strange with the Toronto ones in high winds. My previous location had complete LOS to CN and it did this in high wind.