Toronto's poorer people and those on tighter budgets since the economy has been hit in many sectors are just not able to afford internet and or cable. Mostly access to the internet.
This is why some library locations have opened up (cautiously) since about July.
What do you feel the ISP's might do, to ensure everyone has access, irregardless of affordability?
Maybe offer access from 10-4 each day.
Or reduce rates for those that need?
Or maybe one is better off without it and the evil that lurks on the net (tongue in cheek here, but maybe one is better off without all of the noise that the internet access provides access too).
Here is more on the story, it came out a few weeks ago, but it is pertinent.
Everyone should access to cute cat pictures.
geo wrote:
Peter the K wrote:
Everyone should access to cute cat pictures.
. . . and unlimited access to SOWNY . . .
Cute cat pictures is a stale dated joke. There's a world of reasons to be on the internet.
Rogers means well with their $9.99 internet plan.
(which btw, does not require one to be living in TCH, as the article suggested-just a low income and subsidized housing, which can be found under different co ops or other sources out there)
Unfortunately, it's like saying that email is the only reason to have a computer. Very low quality internet.
Those who pay $9.99 deserve a better internet than what they currently get, and it should be available to ALL who are on a low income.
Well fine then, it's all well and good to have an Internet connection, but then what hardware are you going to connect to it to actually use the Internet?
I've been my older brother for years he needs to get a computer. Price isn't an issue. He just always maintained he has no use for one. Well one day, after lots of badgering, he caved in and got a nice refurb to see what the fuss was all about. Within a couple of months, he got rid of it. He found himself wasting so much time on the thing and it's connection, he felt like he wasn't getting stuff done.
On the other hand, my 86 year old mother-in-law is connected and quite tech-savvy. She has a computer but she hardly ever uses it because she's too busy on her phone and her iPad. Go figure.
The point I'm making is everyone's needs are different. You can't just assume that everyone needs an Internet connection. Although, personally, I can't imagine life without one, but then again, I know what a bang path is.
Peter the K wrote:
The point I'm making is everyone's needs are different. You can't just assume that everyone needs an Internet connection. Although, personally, I can't imagine life without one, but then again, I know what a bang path is.
Sure, everyone's needs are different, but that doesn't grant an excuse to charge so much money for internet usage in the first place, and it shouldn't force the poor to have such limited access. (in their homes)
The "You're poor so you get this internet-You're rich so you get THAT internet..." behaviour has to stop.
Radiowiz wrote:
Peter the K wrote:
The point I'm making is everyone's needs are different. You can't just assume that everyone needs an Internet connection. Although, personally, I can't imagine life without one, but then again, I know what a bang path is.
Sure, everyone's needs are different, but that doesn't grant an excuse to charge so much money for internet usage in the first place, and it shouldn't force the poor to have such limited access. (in their homes)
The "You're poor so you get this internet-You're rich so you get THAT internet..." behaviour has to stop.
Why? and how?
And why stop there? Why not legislate access to clothing, food, real estate, energy, automobiles, vacations, Leafs tickets.....everything to anyone who demonstrates a need, wrested from those who earned it / made it and handed to those could not / would not / did not. I wonder if that was ever tried did it work out?
6079 Smith W wrote:
Radiowiz wrote:
Peter the K wrote:
The point I'm making is everyone's needs are different. You can't just assume that everyone needs an Internet connection. Although, personally, I can't imagine life without one, but then again, I know what a bang path is.
Sure, everyone's needs are different, but that doesn't grant an excuse to charge so much money for internet usage in the first place, and it shouldn't force the poor to have such limited access. (in their homes)
The "You're poor so you get this internet-You're rich so you get THAT internet..." behaviour has to stop.
Why? and how?
And why stop there? Why not legislate access to clothing, food, real estate, energy, automobiles, vacations, Leafs tickets.....everything to anyone who demonstrates a need, wrested from those who earned it / made it and handed to those could not / would not / did not. I wonder if that was ever tried did it work out?
It stops there because the issue is what applies to what IS hot and cold running water in 2020 compared to what was hot and cold running water in your stuck in the past thinking.
The internet in 2020 is not the internet it was 1989. If you want to go live in 1989 you go right ahead, but I'm living in 2020.
Radiowiz wrote:
Cute cat pictures is a stale dated joke.
Not according to this:
This morning I saw a video of a teenager trying to figure out how to use a rotary phone. I laughed until I realized I wouldn't be able to start or drive a model-t Ford. (there's a 16 minute video on YouTube showing you how) I get the whole idea of keeping things up to date.
Despite your insistence on dismissing his rebuttal, 6079 is right on the money. Where do we stop? And why do some people refuse to use history as a valuable teaching tool?
Now, back to my cat videos.
Peter the K wrote:
Where do we stop? And why do some people refuse to use history as a valuable teaching tool?
And another thing . . . DON'T TRUST ANYBODY OVER THIRTY
Peter the K wrote:
Radiowiz wrote:
Cute cat pictures is a stale dated joke.
Not according to this:
This morning I saw a video of a teenager trying to figure out how to use a rotary phone. I laughed until I realized I wouldn't be able to start or drive a model-t Ford. (there's a 16 minute video on YouTube showing you how) I get the whole idea of keeping things up to date.
Despite your insistence on dismissing his rebuttal, 6079 is right on the money. Where do we stop? And why do some people refuse to use history as a valuable teaching tool?
Now, back to my cat videos.
People that use the "Where do we stop" excuse are just looking for an excuse to not provide.
Just do what some countries do.
Kick them to the curb and yell "BAD REINCARNATION!!!"
leaving them there to rot and die.
All those other things are already in motion and cared for. They're not up top in discussion.
Internet is the issue at the moment.
The poor can go to Salvation Army for clothing, but nobody's expecting leaf tickets for free.
Again, too much effort to whine about when it stops and not enough effort to care for what has started and maintain it properly.
Last edited by Radiowiz (November 15, 2020 2:19 pm)
Radiowiz wrote:
It stops there because the issue is what applies to what IS hot and cold running water in 2020 compared to what was hot and cold running water in your stuck in the past thinking.
The internet in 2020 is not the internet it was 1989. If you want to go live in 1989 you go right ahead, but I'm living in 2020.
The difficulty in taking a debate about issues and policies, and making it about the participants and their personalities, is compounded when the debate is as relatively anonymous as, for example, one on an online discussion board between virtual strangers.
It gets even harder when, rather than allow others to express their thoughts and motives in their own words, you ascribe a set to them based on your own thoughts on the matter, and then compound that with vapid and meaningless stock insults.
Radiowiz wrote:
People that use the "Where do we stop" excuse are just looking for an excuse to not provide.
People who make hasty generalizations about other people they neither know nor understand tend to come out the other hand with a much narrowed view of the subject at hand.
geo wrote:
Peter the K wrote:
Where do we stop? And why do some people refuse to use history as a valuable teaching tool?
And another thing . . . DON'T TRUST ANYBODY OVER THIRTY
...nor anyone wearing a watch.
No wait. Almost no one wears a watch anymore. LOL.
6079 Smith W wrote:
Radiowiz wrote:
People that use the "Where do we stop" excuse are just looking for an excuse to not provide.
People who make hasty generalizations about other people they neither know nor understand tend to come out the other hand with a much narrowed view of the subject at hand.
That doesn't change the fact that your solution is to whine and cry every time there is an issue.
It's not about when something stops, it's about dealing with it. PERIOD.
I mean like really? Free Leaf tickets? Very poor example.
The internet issue is a very serious one and it is not to be treated like another "where does it stop".
Last edited by Radiowiz (November 15, 2020 6:08 pm)
Radiowiz wrote:
6079 Smith W wrote:
Radiowiz wrote:
People that use the "Where do we stop" excuse are just looking for an excuse to not provide.
People who make hasty generalizations about other people they neither know nor understand tend to come out the other hand with a much narrowed view of the subject at hand.
That doesn't change the fact that your solution is to whine and cry every time there is an issue.
As if on cue, another almost perfect, hyperbolic example of my point.
Radiowiz wrote:
The internet issue is a very serious one and it is not to be treated like another "where does it stop".
All the more reason to focus on debating the issues and not impugning the motives and character of those with whom you disagree.