On Wednesday nights KDKA - 1020 is celebrating 100 years on the air with 'look back' programs. Now I know many of you would not receive KDKA due to CFRB, however the KDKA website has podcasts of these shows.
Here in Ottawa, KDKA comes in loud and clear.
While many of the personalities are unknown to many of you, these podcasts are very interesting and also offer a history lesson.
Well, this is one I haven't heard before. The Buffalo Evening News, the original founder of WBEN (it's what the "B-E-N" stands for) is now claiming it was on the air with election results the same night as KDKA, which for years has claimed itself as the first real radio station - although many, including WWJ Detroit - have since challenged that assertion.
Was The Pre-Cursor To WBEN One Of The First Radio Stations?
And now, the KDKA story is a musical!
ON AIR - the story of KDKA - to debut online
While there's still some dispute about KDKA being the world's first real radio station, have you ever wondered how they put it together technically? How did you play a record on the air in 1920? And how did they jerry-rig all that very primitive equipment to get the signal on the air?
This article purports to answer that question.
Constructing the First “Real” Radio Station: A look at the technical side of 1920 KDKA