Before I was cut from my job recently due to COVID restructuring, a plan surfaced to drastically reduce costs. Similar to what Stingray has done and hired one morning show to broadcast across the Alberta Boom and Country stations, and a CHR evening show that is broadcast out of Calgary, this particular company is planning to essentially do the same. One morning show on several rock-based formats, and one afternoon show across several rock stations. Some stations would also use one host to broadcast middays, across a variety of formats. The company is already looking to close some station buildings and work either from home or one central location. Word is about 100 people could be let go across the country. This same company is looking to possibly bring in syndicated shows from the US for evening or weekend content.
When this plan had first been discussed the idea was to only implement this if things don't get better in the economy by the end of the summer. In the last week or so talks of implementing this plan have picked up, and it looks like changes will happen within the next 2 weeks.
I am hoping that people come to there senses and they leave radio alone. As far as I am concerned this company has already screwed up local radio in major cities and I think they will destroy radio period.
I normally don't post at all but I have been sitting on this news and I am angry that it could happen soon.
Rogers already has similar things with hosts broadcasting at several stations at certain times, but Stingray is the absolute leader in this department. Bell is starting to do it with the Pure Country midday show. But my understanding is there is a major shift happening in my old company very soon. I believe someone said it sounds like Corus and that is the company. I heard today that most programming will originate out of Corus Quay and somewhere out west. I am concerened because one station just hired a new afternoon host starting next week. I am really concerned the companies are going to isolate listeners.
Apple music just added 2 new radio stations and added new hosts, including Strombo. I would hate to see subscription services bury the live local radio.
I am also seeing Pattison out west bring in shows like Crash and Mars (Mornings at Now Edmonton) as an evening show on other markets. I know it happens with Rogers as well with Roz and Mocha and on a lot of the kiss stations they have shows that are shared across the network. I really wish that stuff like that would be getting reversed and less would happen like that instead of more. But sadly radio is in steep decline