Isn't Ironic, don't ya think? One of the hits that a younger Alanis Morissette had back in the 90's...she was on the Live on Budweiser stage on Saturday Night on CITY TV with host Tara Slone, talking about how challenging it was to be in the music biz in her early formative years.
Entertainment Tonight's article goes a little deeper with Morissette and another female rocker, Liz is worth the read.
What's the old saying, "The Grass is not always Greener on the other side"...
Enjoy the read and feel free to share your comments...
On a closing note, I like Alanis, grew up in Ottawa, Ottawa is a nice place, but a bit of a small town rural feel to it and of course a government town, it was a bit sleepy and to suddenly rise to fame from the humble upbringing in Ottawa would be a shock to the system for sure...