According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, there are plans to use fake crowd noise when the Milwaukee Brewers' intrasquad games are broadcast, and those sound effects could become something used around the league. It's all because COVID-19 ensures no fans will be allowed in any ballpark.
"By Wednesday, we should have the software in house that will allow us to incorporate crowd sounds through the PA in Miller Park," [said Brewers spokesman Tyler Barnes.] "The crowd sound enhancements are being used across the league and they will be audible to those listening to the webcast."
Exactly how that will work isn't addressed. Will there be booing when the opposing squad hits a home run? Will cheering be overly used for the home squad? Who will make that decision? And what will it be like for the play-by-play and colour announcers, who will apparently be covering out-of-town contests from a remote location?
Turns out, it may be more than just the game that will be worth listening to this season.
Artificial crowd noise is coming to baseball broadcasts
It wouldn't surprise if all we wind up with is fake crowd noise. No crowds. No players. No games. No leagues...
They may think there will be completed playoffs and seasons, but guys are going to bail and others will get sick..
The virus is the one thing they can't beat.
The Fat Lady is about to sing. Say goodnight, Mrs. Calabash.
I remember back in the 60's artificial crowd noise was used on out-of-town Toronto Maple Leaf broadcasts with Joe Chrysdale and Hal Kelly. Even the sound of the ball hitting the bat was fake. It was pretty primitive back then. If my memory serves me well, I think they were getting the game fed to them via teletype. I watched a soccer game on NBC this weekend and the crowd noise was fake. I guess that's the way of the sports world for a while.