Now there's something you don't hear everyday at the province's regular COVID update presser - a question about broadcasting. It came on Monday when a reporter (I think he was from the Toronto Sun) asked why workers from NBC were the official broadcast crew for upcoming NHL games, while "hundreds of Canadian technicians have been out of work for four months."
The premier's answer was two-fold: a) he didn't disagree that such a scenario would be unfortunate and he would look into it but b) he has no say over who the NHL hires to cover their games. (Whatever you think of Doug Ford, I think he's right on that last point. The government has no say over who gets hired for those gigs, nor should it.)
The reporter did not have a follow-up question, but I do: Is that true? Does NBC, which holds the national rights to the NHL in the U.S., control the camera and tech crews that will be responsible for sending all the games played in Toronto and Edmonton to North America (including Hockey Night In Canada) and if so, how did that come about? I suppose it makes sense that only one crew be there at a time when fewer people in a venue is safer. But I would have thought the CBC or Rogers personnel would have the inside track on those jobs since the games will all be played here and they're already living in those cities.
Either way, it's another strange moment in what has been a very strange year.
This is an interesting one, assuming it is true. It would be entirely possible that NBC are still going to use some local technicians even equipment for the broadcasts (camera, audio, set up crews etc), but the executives and on air hosts are from NBC. And they in fact could be the official broadcaster, but also likely we will still see the regular on air announcers on Sportsnet and CBC. If not, I am sure Rogers will make some sort of announcement.
Could also be that the NHL was originally planning to have one or both of the hub cities in the US and it was agreed that NBC would be the official broadcaster for the series. Most of the US hub cities the NHL was considering have kind of gone south as far as COVID numbers and safety over the past few weeks, and maybe some of the other cities/states really didn't want the added responsibility to be a hub city, sort of like Vancouver.
Technically in this case the government maybe did have a say only since these are not normal circumstances. All the levels of government had to agree and sign on to allow Toronto and Edmonton to be the hub cities, make necessary arrangements and allow the NHL players and staff from all the different teams to come and play and live here. Would this also not apply to everything associated with the series including the TV crews?
If it has already been agreed upon then, which I am sure it has, I don't think the government would do anything anyway. However, I would be very surprised if the crews actually ended up being 100% NBC regardless, and they could very well use some of the crews and equipment that are already here, but are still the official or host broadcaster.
What is more interesting is the venues in Torornto are all union ...So good luck with that .
Simmons was the one who asked the question at the presser and I'm not surprised he's followed up with a column. He also was probably the first-ever reporter asking questions at these endless pressers who didn't have an additional query.
Good that this article clarifies the situation more or less. My only beef that Simmons got off topic and tried to talk about a few political things and this sort of muddied the story. He comes across as anti-american, anti-liberal, anti NHL and anti NBC all at the same time, which is kind of odd.
The way I am reading this is that NBC is the host broadcaster in Toronto and Sportsnet (Rogers) is the host broadcaster in Edmonton and they will both produce the Stanley Cup Final in Edmonton. So I don't really see the big beef here. Guess some in Toronto media thought it should have been the other way around? So it may be more a case of a few noses out of joint...
Obviously NBC and I am sure the NHL would have preferred for one or both of the hub cities to be in the US (good hockey ratings aren't a sure thing in the US and having all games here may not help) and the NHL did the diplomatic thing in giving both NBC and Sportsnet official broadcast status in one of the hub cities, and sharing the final. My God, Bettman actually did a canadian compromise!
So it is more that some in Toronto don't like playing second fiddle to Edmonton and NBC. If it had been the other way, I doubt if anyone here would care. And also 50 broadcast people from NBC sounds a little low, I thought there would have been more than 50. So, I bet they are still using some local people and even equipment for the games in Toronto.
Last edited by paterson1 (July 13, 2020 9:30 pm)
would they be allowed to enter the country?
the original hank wrote:
would they be allowed to enter the country?
That is the question... and cross border travel / border travel exemptions are the jurisdiction of the federal level of government not the provincial.
Last I recall, the health screening and 14 day self isolation protocols were still in place...
It will be interesting to see if this travel is deemed essential or non-essential...
NHL would not have secured Canadian hub cities (Toronto and Edmonton) if it did not already clear its personnel to be able to cross the border....just as the hockey players were...NBC will use Canadians for some production work for sure...especially in Edmonton...key point here is ad dollars...Rogers will certainly get paid as Canadian NHL rights holder
Glen Warren wrote:
the original hank wrote:
would they be allowed to enter the country?
That is the question... and cross border travel / border travel exemptions are the jurisdiction of the federal level of government not the provincial.
Last I recall, the health screening and 14 day self isolation protocols were still in place...
It will be interesting to see if this travel is deemed essential or non-essential...
All of this is already decided,and the federal, provincial and local governments have signed on and approved. This is why the NHL announced Toronto and Edmonton as the hub cities, as Johnny B mentions above. Included in the agreement would be any personnel or staff needed to produce the series in each city including broadcast crews. That train left days ago.
This appears to be an issue so far at least for the Toronto Sun who seem to be attempting to make it a political and labour issue with naturally the federal liberals dropping the ball.
They are in a snit because Edmonton is the more important of the two hub cities, since they will be hosting the Stanley Cup Final and not Toronto. And it looks like Steve Simmons and the paper are upset that NBC will be the official broadcaster in Toronto and Rogers (a Toronto company) will not. Rogers is the host/official broadcaster in Edmonton with both NBC and Rogers producing the Stanley Cup Final.
It seems fair and logical. NBC and Sportsnet are both rights holders to the NHL broadcasts, and as such both networks are sharing the broadcast responsibilities.
As Johnny B mentions above NBC will still be using some Canadian personnel for the broadcasts in Toronto. It is doubtful they would be able to pull off the broadcast with only 50 people which includes all of their on air talent, however as official broadcaster, they will be calling the shots in Toronto at least
So, this is what Trudeau will have to square... 'cause it is ultimately on him...
Dr. Njoo, The Deputy Chief Public Health Officer is answering questions on the daily Public Health presser... (if you can review it, check between 12:18 to 12:30 pm ET).
* The Public Health service is still very concerned with people/crowds assembling in bars and restaurants and potential air borne spread/transmission among patrons who typically would be in these establishments for longer periods of time.
* When you look at baseball, the Blue Jays were able to train in Toronto, and house players/personnel in an adjacent hotel, so it was a self contained isolation bubble, and posed very low or minimal risk to the public. However, when you look at regular play, then you introduce players leaving the country to play in the US, and then returning. As well, US teams travelling to Toronto to play.
* From an epidemiology perspective, Canada and the USA are very, very different. Canada and Canadians have acted and handled measures quite well and this has allowed us to flatten the curve here in Canada.
12:37 pm - Specific question on the Broadcast / Crewing situation. "The discussion is on-going, but the overall discussion has only centred on the Players and key team personnel"... "Protocols would have to be followed... quarantine, regular testing and social distancing for any persons need to support or produce these games".
So not sure what has been agreed to... I've heard both ends.... some colleagues who are currently not working (and are here in the GTA area) are fuming and say they are out, its a done deal, ... and then after just listening to Dr. Njoo, it seems that the framework and agreement in place for the NHL only applies to Teams (players, coaches, trainers etc.)
Kind of hard to believe this wasn't thought through and taken care of. Besides having the 50 people from NBC self isolate in Toronto for 14 days isn't a big issue. They likely have been here for a while already and like the players and support staff tested frequently.
True Canada overall has handled the COVID crisis better than the US, but thousands of americans are still crossing the border every day, and of course the trade back and forth continues between the two countries and so far this hasn't impacted our numbers which continue to decrease.
Further, the Canadian government / Federal Cabinet has extended the closure of the Canada / US border of another 30 days... the current order was to expire on July 15th (tomorrow) so this extension will now be in place to mid August... allows for "essential trade and travel only".
Not sure how it will be "spun" when a US cameraman from Florida, or an EVS operator from Texas ends up coming down with COVID 19 while working on one of these broadcasts in T.O.
(The US nets gave up their own truck fleets, and staff crews years ago... NBC was the first to do so. They now rely on contract mobile units from US companies... and free-lance crew/operators).
Maybe Bettman has made a deal to hire Trudeau et famille to present an award or give a keynote speech at the NHL awards...
Interesting watching the Leafs/Blue Jackets game tonight on SN/CBC. Yah, Leafs win!! Would anyone know that NBC is producing this? The commentators, graphics, camerawork etc all seem to be what Hockey Night in Canada would do.
But remember a few weeks back the little media hissy fit in Toronto about NBC being the host broadcaster and bringing in 50 staff to produce all of the games from the Toronto hub?
Seem to remember the Toronto Sun working themselves up into a lather over this, even though 50 people would not be able to produce all of the games from the Toronto hub. NBC would still need many "locals" to help.
Same with the games from Edmonton which Sportsnet currently produces. I doubt anyone watching on NBCSN will notice any difference from the regular NHL coverage on NBC. They still use their regular commentators and graphics.
It will be interesting as we get further in the playoffs and for the final which SN and NBC will co-produce in Edmonton. Likely just a few more cameras and gimmicks, better music and pre production but probably similar what they would normally do.