Occasionally, someone here (well, OK, it's usually me) posts a rant against a radio spot that's driving him crazy. But this time, there's a new wrinkle. It's not just a spot, it's a series of them.
Since the great Phase 2 re-opening a week or so ago, Lowes, the hardware outlet, has been running commercials that aren't exactly Clio award winners. (Especially the one with the obnoxious guy and his "smiling" on the radio.)
But here's my objection. These things are being run EVERY SINGLE DAMN BREAK. Whenever a show I listen to goes to a commercial set, before I can switch stations, you can bet there will be one of the same three Lowes' spots included in it somewhere. And you hear it over and over and over and over and over and over.
And over.
And there's no way to escape it, because it's on every station I listen to. I have never seen (heard?) an ad buy in so many places where the campaign calls for it to be aired at least four, five or even six times an hour.
Enough already! I've heard your message, and I'm sick of it. These spots don't repeat well after the 764th time.
There. I feel better now.
Well, gotta go. I need to pick up some supplies for some house repairs and I think The Home Depot is still open.
I heard it again on 640 just as I read your post if that counts for anything.
I guess this can be a testament to how well or effective the spot is...
but it is actually for Rona and not Lowes... (although, Rona was bought out by Lowes 2 or 3 years back...)
Actually, I just heard it while in the car. It's definitely for Lowe's. I was aware they were bought by Rona, but they apparently haven't retired the brand. If you need more proof, just turn on the radio and wait for the first commercial break. Guaranteed it will be one of the things you hear.
Oh ya!!!?? well I heard it while out in the car this morning as well, and it definitely referenced in the copy...
maybe they are running the spots for both Lowes and Rona, since they are both owned by the same corporate overlords... ?
Not that I care... I'm a loyal Home Hardware customer myself.....
Wow, that's bizarre. I have never heard Rona mentioned once and I must have heard the spots dozens and dozens of times. Hence the rant that started all this.
I have been listening to 640 for over an hour and have heard this commercial once. The one that they played referenced Rona. So I don't know if they are running some of the ads for Lowe's and some for Rona since as mentioned they are the same company now.
Rona still is around and I do get their flyer every so often. Most of the larger Rona stores have been converted to Lowe's. Where I live the huge Rona was changed to a Lowe's a couple of years ago and the store is more or less the same. Except the garden department was a lot better when it was Rona and the check out now has antiquated debit and credit card terminals. They are using machines that were state of the art 15 years ago for some reason. I was told that this is what Lowe's uses.
Maybe Rona's TV ads are better than radio. Here is a TV ad that is on right now.
On a vaguely related note, I was watching one of those 'Hoarders' shows this week - to my bemusement they had commercial breaks. What entity in their right mind would want to shill crap people don't need on a show about the results of people overloading in crap they didn't need?