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March 9, 2020 9:55 pm  #1

"Pirate Radio" For The Age Of Streaming

I honestly thought long and hard before putting this up and it may well have disappeared before some of you even see it. It's what its creators call "pirate radio" for streaming services. In essence, it takes a feed from the big streaming services - like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon, even Hulu, which is unavailable in Canada, and allows you to watch a randomly selected show over which you have no control. 

It's definitely piracy and it's definitely wrong.  But what's amazing is how long it's been up without any of the big companies moving to shut it down. If you want to check it out solely out of curiosity, there's a link in the Forbes piece below. 

All The Streams Is Pirate Radio For The Age Of Streaming


March 10, 2020 10:00 am  #2

Re: "Pirate Radio" For The Age Of Streaming

I think it's a piece of garbage.
If it were movies with spots where ads normally go I could understand the constant cut ins to inform the viewer that it's a Pirate.
Instead, it's just annoying and it eats into some of the content, leaving out tiny bits of various movies here and there. 

(in one of the Disney movies you'll notice a cartoon character say "That's a great...then it cuts to "You are watching a pirate"-comes back to "I'll put this over there..." leaving out the words "IDEA! You're a Genious")

Anyway, here's their claim:  (When you click on the word "Manifesto" above the live counter)

Netflix has all the Netflix stuff, Disney has all the Disney stuff, and never the twain shall meet. Let’s change that, however briefly.Whenever media becomes inaccessible, piracy thrives again - from the 1960’s BBC 1-hour limit on pop music, to the iTunes store mp3 tyranny of the 00s. Today, All The Streams comes in response to the fragmentation and walled-garden paradigm that has risen to prominence for online video streaming services.All The Streams doesn’t care about user-utility, it doesn’t care about scalability - and it certainly doesn’t care about terms of service! All The Streams is made to revel in platform independence, and to demonstrate how even the most lo-fi hacks can be the equal of giants.At a time where “up next” tends to be hot algorithmic garbage, pirate radio offers up the idiosyncracy of human decision across an unrestricted breadth of choice. We’re going to play anything and everything we feel like. We’re going to make a frankensteinian playlist of media that none of these streaming platforms could ever recommend to you because it would cost them the profits of their exclusively-owned content. Sit back and enjoy the ride: like all pirate media offerings, we’re doing this for you.

Last edited by Radiowiz (March 10, 2020 10:05 am)

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


March 12, 2020 11:34 am  #3

Re: "Pirate Radio" For The Age Of Streaming

The interface has now been officially shut down, with the site still up, but the screen replaced with an FBI warning. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. 

     Thread Starter

March 12, 2020 4:54 pm  #4

Re: "Pirate Radio" For The Age Of Streaming

RadioActive wrote:

The interface has now been officially shut down, with the site still up, but the screen replaced with an FBI warning. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. 

That's #17.  #18 might be up and running to a select few who contacted the Pirating source.

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.