If you ever wondered who holds the record as the oldest rock jock on the planet, there's only one name that comes to mind - Art Laboe. The L.A. stalwart has been on the air for 8 decades and counting, starting before rock and roll was even a real thing.
But his accomplishments are more than just longevity. He also created music compilations on record, invented the phrase "oldies but goodies," originated the idea of dedications and is even credited with the concept of doing remotes.
I'm not sure how many of us would still want to be working at 94 (he turns 95 in August), but Laboe - one of Dale Patterson's favourites - shows no signs of quitting anytime soon. And unlike most in radio these days, he may be the only one whose job is safe. It would appear he has it for life. However long that might be.
Radio legend Art Laboe, the original oldie but goodie, is still on-air after nearly 80 years