Nina Metz & others from the Chicago Tribune will most likely fill the void.
I have noticed over the past six months or so when the Star did have a rare article regarding Toronto media it was often showing up in the news sections rather than entertainment. And the article above from cash says that the last two remaining entertainment staff have been moved to the news department. They likely will use some freelancers or writers under contract. Bill Brioux pops up from time to time in the Star.
For a big media town that generates hundreds of millions and employs thousands in the GTA, Toronto newspapers have for many years done a very poor job covering Toronto media. Sure they cover the Shaw Festival, Stratford, TIFF and "the arts" but very little on local Toronto radio, television or film productions. I still maintain this would be of interest to many of the Star's readers. So who knows, maybe more media stories will start to appear in the general news sections which would be great.
I'm not sure how many people know that a few years ago, The Toronto Star became one of the co-owners of The Canadian Press (the Globe and Mail is one of the others.) Torstar bought into the national news service primarily so they would have the rights to filler material, as well as coverage of stories they no longer have the reporters to cover.
There's nothing wrong with CP, of course, it's Canada's national wire service, but it means that very often, the exact same CP story, copy and photos will appear in almost all the Toronto dailies, as well as those in the rest of the country. So much for original reporting or content.
Should be interesting to see what they do next fall, when the Toronto International Film Festival heads back into town.
I haven't read a Friday edition in a long time, but they used to have a fairly extensive special movies section on that day, complete with feature stories and reviews. What happens to that?