You'd think by now that industry vets would learn you can't say anything about anything on social media any more without it endangering your job. Longtime CTV reporter Peter Akman learned that the hard way this week, when an apparently silly Tweet caused management at the network to pull the trigger on his job.
He'd been W5's "senior correspondent" for just over a year and with the network for almost seven, with another seven years before that at the CBC.
Did he deserve to be let go? You can decide for yourself after reading the story.
Journalist Peter Akman no longer works for CTV after infamous coronavirus tweet
There is a poll in that link.
A large number of people (around 70 or so percent) voted yes to him keeping his job.
Pretty lame excuse to fire someone. A few minutes of "trending" means ten people saw something to crap on. CTV should have more faith in their brand than this example.
FanOfPromos wrote:
Pretty lame excuse to fire someone. A few minutes of "trending" means ten people saw something to crap on. CTV should have more faith in their brand than this example.
Thanks, Staff. You got away with it. Not everyone's so lucky, fam.
the guy landed on his feet