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December 13, 2019 4:37 pm  #1

Vet Retires After 50 Yrs. On Air: "My Goal Was To Die On The Radio"

I'm not sure how many here know the name Tom Joyner. He became famous several years ago as "The Fly Jock" because he'd do a morning show in Dallas, then get on a plane and do an afternoon drive gig in Chicago. Today, satellites would have made that unnecessary. But he did it for nearly a decade before launching a nationally syndicated show that aired across the country. 

I don't believe he had any Canadian affiliates but he made his name with African-American audiences across the border. 

Joyner officially signed off Friday, after 25 years of doing his coast-to-coast show. He notes that at one time, in a different era of radio, he made as much as $14 million(!) a year. But then the accountants moved in and they started asking him to take less and less and less over time. He admits he'd still be on the air if they'd simply offered him more money. 

CBS' morning show did a profile of the retiring jock on Friday, one of the rare times radio gets any notice on TV, especially on a network. It's worth a look if for nothing else than that. 

Retiring radio icon Tom Joyner says he would have stayed for more money: "My goal was to die on the radio"   


December 13, 2019 5:06 pm  #2

Re: Vet Retires After 50 Yrs. On Air: "My Goal Was To Die On The Radio"

The community radio station in Cobourg has their Manager do a show on a Wednesday morning and then he "flys" via the 401 to his job flipping burgers at one of those highway Onroutes.


December 13, 2019 5:27 pm  #3

Re: Vet Retires After 50 Yrs. On Air: "My Goal Was To Die On The Radio"

Thanks RA. I remember being gob-smacked at the idea of a guy being so good they would fly him all the way to Chicago from Dallas. I haven't heard of  him for years.  Sounds like a guy who deserved the success he achieved.


December 14, 2019 12:36 pm  #4

Re: Vet Retires After 50 Yrs. On Air: "My Goal Was To Die On The Radio"

I didn't know who he was until I did an image search then ... aw, him!  Thanks for the link.

- Not an industry person.  Just a guy with a love of Toronto radio.