Humble and Fred Radio tweeted yesterday, " It's our pleasure to announce that @torontomike is the 9th producer in the 30-year history of Humble and Fred."
The official announcement was made on the show, and you can hear it at or on your regular podcast provider.
Congratulations Toronto Mike. 2020's going to be a busy production.
Last edited by betaylored (December 10, 2019 2:35 am)
betaylored wrote:
9th producer in the 30-year history of Humble and Fred."
Why the high churn rate? Either nobody wants to make a career out of being a button pusher or the hosts are impossible to work for. In any event, perhaps they should have left that stat off the announcement.
How long has Robert Turner headed the RB morning show?
Love to hear from their past 8 producers right here. Or did we?
8 producers in 30 years? That seems like a pretty low number to me. Especially considering it was over several different incarnations of the show at various different radio stations. What an idiot comment from The Consultant.
how many head coach's / managers have leafs and jays had in that time 3 decades?
Last edited by arc23 (December 10, 2019 9:15 pm)
BeatleTeunis wrote:
8 producers in 30 years? What an idiot comment from The Consultant.
"Idiot comment" from me? That's your opinion. However, as a lifelong staffer in the radio industry, 3.75 years in one position is minimal. Maybe if one works the cash at Walmart. As for you vitriolic labelling, have a pleasant night.
(I did add and wonder how long Robert Turner has helmed RB's morning show.)
TheConsultant wrote:
However, as a lifelong staffer in the radio industry, 3.75 years in one position is minimal.
Depends if the person in that position is on their way up or on their way down. Morning show producers (some of them would have just been ops, really) is an "on the way up" position. Less time spent means they were most likely promoted faster than average.
The other 8 producers didn’t sleep on a Magic Pillow.
RadioAaron wrote:
Morning show producers (some of them would have just been ops, really) is an "on the way up" position. Less time spent means they were most likely promoted faster than average.
Robert Turner has spent many multiples of 3.75 in his position.
I'd genuinely be curious where those 8 "producers" are now. Beyond that, I've known jocks that have written into their contracts certain board ops come with them.
Perhaps "those on the way up" don't consider podcasting having a future. Or, let's be honest, needing a board op.
TheConsultant wrote:
RadioAaron wrote:
Morning show producers (some of them would have just been ops, really) is an "on the way up" position. Less time spent means they were most likely promoted faster than average.
Robert Turner has spent many multiples of 3.75 in his position.
Thanks for the one example. Really tells a story. Especially given that it's from a time when that was a career, and not a step on the way up. Otherwise, if you're hanging on to that position now, you've settled.
TheConsultant wrote:
I'd genuinely be curious where those 8 "producers" are now
You don't know, and neither do I. So the insinuation that their tenure means *anything* is absurd.
Let me help you guys out...
Many producers during the terrestrial radio days moved on to bigger things. Dan Duran, for example. Or Jason Barr. Bingo Bob Willette and Jeff Domet have also had formidable careers in the media and are still gainfully employed there today.
With the podcast, there's been a little more churn, but this is a quickly evolving new media and Humble and Fred are now completely independent and pay for everything from their own pockets. In other words, it's not a particularly lucrative position and you're primarily doing it for love of the game.
I wrote many more words here about what this entails and how pleased I am that Humble and Fred have chosen to become TMDS clients.
Last edited by torontomike (December 11, 2019 9:27 am)
And just one more thing... Howard ops his own board. He's done so since we launched the podcast over eight years go.
I op the board for Toronto Mike'd, Hebsy on Sports, Gallagher and Gross Save the World, and Ralph Benmergui's new podcast, coming in January 2020.
torontomike wrote:
Let me help you guys out...
Humble and Fred are now completely independent and pay for everything from their own pockets. In other words, it's not a particularly lucrative position and you're primarily doing it for love of the game.
I wrote many more words here about what this entails
TMDS clients.
Toronto Mike, I clicked on the link, read the post, and have a question.. when you wrote " implementing podcast best practices" it caught my eye. Could you give a quick definition of what those are? Considering how many podcasts we as a society listen to these days these practices could be the reason that some podcast shows out there fall flat, and some are well done.
Obvs anybody else with expertise can chime in, there's lots of readers on here who don't have production chops, but would love to get a look behind the curtain.
betaylored wrote:
torontomike wrote:
Let me help you guys out...
Humble and Fred are now completely independent and pay for everything from their own pockets. In other words, it's not a particularly lucrative position and you're primarily doing it for love of the game.
I wrote many more words here about what this entails
TMDS clients.Toronto Mike, I clicked on the link, read the post, and have a question.. when you wrote " implementing podcast best practices" it caught my eye. Could you give a quick definition of what those are? Considering how many podcasts we as a society listen to these days these practices could be the reason that some podcast shows out there fall flat, and some are well done.
Obvs anybody else with expertise can chime in, there's lots of readers on here who don't have production chops, but would love to get a look behind the curtain.
It's quite the catchall, isn't it?
With Humble and Fred, it's not about changing them or how they broadcast. They know who they are and I wouldn't want to pollute that process they've ironed out over three decades.
With me there's the technical side, guest-booking, and listener engagement. I'll get a little more specific on each of these, so it doesn't read as another 'motherhood and apple pie' statement.
On the technical side, it could be as simple as ensuring the MP3 is fully uploaded before publishing the updated XML. That simple little ditty eliminates the episode only being partially downloaded on subscribers' devices. From the mics to the compression to the XML file itself, there are so many moving parts here alone.
Since I've been booking guests on Toronto Mike'd for several years now, I've learned so much and made so many fantastic contacts. The synergies here are many. A good example happened yesterday. Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall appeared on both shows, because he's in town for a gig at the Rivoli tonight. The Air Farce's New Year's Eve special has been cancelled by the CBC, but they get one last hurrah. I've arranged to have Jessica Holmes visit H+F on Monday and Don Ferguson will visit me on December 27. It's my belief that no guest is far better than a weak guest, with a few exceptions I won't get into here.
As for listener and partner engagement, seven years on my own building a show from scratch has taught me more than any school ever could. I'm revitalizing H+F's twitter feed, and building it up as a reliable channel to learn who's on and to get answers to any and all questions. In the growing TMDS family, we firmly believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. There's no competition here, we just help every show be as successful as possible. I know synergy has become a cliche buzzword, but it really is the word that best fits it all.
Here's to an interesting 2020. Because that's the key for any audio content. Be interesting!
Booking the same guests sounds redundant. Like your show.
wgwg wrote:
Booking the same guests sounds redundant. Like your show.
Note to self: Stop engaging here. It's polluted by bitter old meanies.
Peace out! ✌️
torontomike wrote:
wgwg wrote:
Booking the same guests sounds redundant. Like your show.
Note to self: Stop engaging here. It's polluted by bitter old meanies.
Peace out! ✌️
Mike, I always appreciate your very informative posts. Thanks for sharing.
Lorne wrote:
torontomike wrote:
wgwg wrote:
Booking the same guests sounds redundant. Like your show.
Note to self: Stop engaging here. It's polluted by bitter old meanies.
Peace out! ✌️Mike, I always appreciate your very informative posts. Thanks for sharing.
Same here, Mike. I'm with Lorne on this.
Last edited by Media Observer (December 14, 2019 6:41 pm)
Media Observer wrote:
Lorne wrote:
torontomike wrote:
Note to self: Stop engaging here. It's polluted by bitter old meanies.
Peace out! ✌️Mike, I always appreciate your very informative posts. Thanks for sharing.
Same here, Mike. I'm with Lorne on this.
Re: negative comments from a**holes on here. What if we completely ignore the crap. Like not paying attention to the toddler having a meltdown. It has the added bonus of irritating them because attention, even negative is all these unhappy people want.
Send them to Coventry as the Brits do. In hockey terms, play our game, not theirs. Just my opinion. You do you as the kids these days say.
Toronto Mike: illegitimi non carborundum. And thanks for the expanded insight, I'm looking forward to future podcasts, and posts from you on this board.🖖
Last edited by betaylored (December 15, 2019 12:10 am)