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November 25, 2019 1:48 pm  #1

Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27


November 26, 2019 2:10 am  #2

Re: Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27

Be alert. The world needs more lerts. 😏


November 27, 2019 4:04 pm  #3

Re: Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27

I'm not sure when they're ever going to get this right. The alert went out as scheduled on Wednesday, but at the end of the message, the computer voice gave out a website to go to for more information. Not only was the address completely garbled and unintelligible, but what was announced on air wasn't ".ca" (as in dot see eh.) Instead it came out as dot caw, as in the kind of sound a crow makes.

And because of delay systems on some talk formats, I got to hear it on several stations and I still have no idea what it said. (Remember when it once pronounced "call 911" as "call September 11th?")

This thing remains like transit's Presto system - great when it works, terrible when it doesn't. Except taxpayers who doled out the money for it aren't getting a free ride.


November 27, 2019 5:43 pm  #4

Re: Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27

RadioActive wrote:

I'm not sure when they're ever going to get this right.
- great when it works, terrible when it doesn't.

Perhaps THAT'S why they are conducting tests, eh? 


November 28, 2019 12:31 am  #5

Re: Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27

My station worked just fine. The location for the alert system audio insert point should be just before it reaches the STL link, after all delays for profanity and such. With the system and the audio quality is pristine. AES In/Out, did the same at another station and third one is analog bell lines just before the circuit termination QUK1A coils. Intelligibility was fine on Several station I dialled around. CBC All nets English and French, Corus, Bell. I didn't have a chance to hear anything on the other groups.


November 28, 2019 11:26 am  #6

Re: Alert Ready to send test emergency alerts on November 27

At work we have CHUM FM in the background and it came in clearly exactly at 2:55.  The system works although you feel like youre about to be murdered by a Robot.