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November 16, 2019 9:29 pm  #1

So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?

I thought Ron handled it well...and I didn't mind the interview with Hayley and Guy after too...

What was your take?

Was his chat heart felt? I felt he was genuine...without being to "Sammy Maudlin" about what happened and his relationship with Don...

Chime away big yella...


The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

November 16, 2019 10:05 pm  #2

Re: So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?

I watched Ron tonight and thought he did a wonderful job. He was sincere, unscripted, talked directly to Don at times and was non judgemental. I liked the way he gave Cherry credit, as did Haley and recognized the good that he has done over the years. As good a job that anyone could have done in my opinion.

Just like Don Cherry, Sammy Maudlin was a man of his time. One of the best clips from SCTV, the Sammy Maudlin 23rd Anniversary Show. And William B Williams, the ultimate sidekick and loyal to a fault...until he has a bit too much champagne. "Sammy..if I could just say something..."


November 16, 2019 10:36 pm  #3

Re: So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?

ron's black suit and tie... you knew there was a eulogy coming.  he was heart felt and recognized both don's shortcomings and contributions.  thought it was classy of sportsnet to allow him that kind of time to speak his feelings.


November 17, 2019 7:41 am  #4

Re: So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?

Here is the YouTube link to last night's post Don Cherry era of Coaches Corner with Ron is about 4:46...

If you missed it, it was a watchable and memorable moment and closes and an of an era, with the "Coaches Corner" segment... *sigh* sometimes change happens so fast...

The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...
     Thread Starter

November 17, 2019 12:56 pm  #5

Re: So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?


Ron's spot was genuine, heartfelt & real.  The fact that it rambled a wee bit & was not tightly scripted increased the authenticity. 

A job well done.


November 22, 2019 12:04 pm  #6

Re: So? Did anyone watch Coaches Corner? If so, what did ya think?

Ron's spot was a sad attempt at having his cake and eating it too, while making something about someone else about himself.