But I get the distinct impression that the C.B.C. is shilling for Justin Trudeau
Am I imagining things?
I wouldn't know, I stopped listening (aside from the Time Signal and the recent Hurricane Dorian -- what CBC was meant for, and did well) the day that the blizard I was driving through was blamed on climate change.
The local Stingray cookie cutter has the right amount of coverage and the Drinkin' Country station my old mother listens too each day for the death announcements.
On the plus side, Hockeyville is coming next week!
Well, the CBC gives me he distinct impression that they are confused about their role as the nation's broadcaster and are acting more like "Elections Canada" what with all of the Andrew Chang fronted promos for The National touting their high journalism standards and taking them seriously while covering this important election four you, me, us... blah blah blah.
That said, the CBC seemed to miss this one... David Menzies of Rebel Media (and Oakley Show fame) was denied access to the Prime Minister's press conference fallowing his visit with the GG at Rideau Hall on Wednesday morning...
So far, I think CTV has been covering the election campaign better than CBC, although I like the anchors on CBC more now than at the beginning. CTV is slicker and seem better organized than CBC. Like him or not the corp. will miss Peter on election night. Lisa and CTV's Ottawa crew so far have been great in my opinion. Global I don't watch much so I have no reading on them so far.
I go on a lot and find them a little confusing. Often they seem to be shilling for the liberals but many times in the comments section after a story seem to be very, very well represented with anti trudeau and anti- liberal
commentators. Also it has been mainly the Globe and partially the CBC that has kept SNC Lavalin in the headlines. In their opinion column on they have been critical of trudeau and company more than I thought they would be, at least in the last month or so.
Elections are fun and the next few weeks up until the 21st of October will be interesting, especially if you are a political junkie..