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July 18, 2019 12:25 pm  #1

Have We Hit Peak Podcast?

'...It’s no wonder that the phrase “everyone has a podcast” has become a Twitter punch line. Like the blogs of yore, podcasts — with their combination of sleek high tech and cozy, retro low — are today’s de rigueur medium, seemingly adopted by every entrepreneur, freelancer, self-proclaimed marketing guru and even corporation. (Who doesn’t want branded content by Home Depot and Goldman Sachs piped into their ears on the morning commute?) There are now upward of 700,000 podcasts, according to the podcast production and hosting service Blubrry, with between 2,000 and 3,000 new shows launching each month...'

Last edited by Johnny B (July 18, 2019 12:26 pm)


July 18, 2019 3:00 pm  #2

Re: Have We Hit Peak Podcast?

Snip from the New York Times article:

>> Steve Pratt, a veteran CBC producer who now runs a podcasting company called Pacific Content, actively discourages his clients from starting interview shows. "People assume that's all a podcast is: two people talking unedited for two hours, three hours," he said.
[Edit] He likes to remind clients that the average American commute is under half an hour (about 27 minutes, according to census data) so you've got to respect people's time. "You could be better than 90 percent of interview podcasts by cutting out the boring stuff," he said. The key is to "put yourself in the listener's shoes over and over again." <<


July 18, 2019 3:10 pm  #3

Re: Have We Hit Peak Podcast?

Many start a podcast from the idea that people actually care what they have to say….the vast majority don’t…it’s usually to feed an ego, market a company or product or talk about fringe stuff that rarely sees the mainstream…past broadcasters with a following that is drying up, tin-foil hats, conspiracy theorists, comedians, ex-politicians, obscure music genres, specialty groups or topics, etc, etc…way too many to succeed.

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