Would you tune into a radio station run by a company that doesn't actually have any real expertise in radio? Some employees of the huge conglomerate Humana do. They're encouraged to listen to a live morning show before they go to work that comes from and boosts the company itself. I'm not sure I've ever heard of this before, and I doubt I'd listen to it if I worked there. But is it the beginning of a trend?
Humana creates exclusive radio service for all employees
this is a bit different but... a few Canidian military bases as well as northern mining/logging camps have their own licensed radio services. i don't know what they program and are exempt from normal CRTC regs but they provide info to their employees and surrounding communities
I don't think the Humana effort is actually a licenced station. It appears to be a streaming service made available to employees of the company.
RadioActive wrote:
I don't think the Humana effort is actually a licenced station. It appears to be a streaming service made available to employees of the company.
The morning show alone shows intent to sound professional though, "Redgie Redge" (sp?)
so good for them!