SNC Lavalin affair, Have a lin affair, I am voting Liberal next election after this hand out...I am already in line with my hands out.
Here is more on how the Feds are helping our struggling media biz.
aaannnddd.... cue the tinfoil hat brigade who will say you can't trust a media outlet taking handouts from the government.
Dale Patterson wrote:
It's a bad idea. Really bad.
Will you walk away from a fool and YOUR money? P. MCartney, 1969
Final para. in Andrew Coyne's above piece (also on A4 in today's print edition) "If you were searching for a way to kill the news business, you couldn't do a better job"
Last edited by Ms. C. (March 21, 2019 10:13 am)
I'm also extremely uncomfortable with this. And I should add it doesn't matter which party is suggesting it. I would oppose it if it were the Conservatives, the NDP or the Greens.
There will always be some suspicion about coverage if you're getting government money - even if absolutely everything is 100% above board. You can buy a lot of things with those suspect cents, but a clean reputation isn't one of them.
And then there's the other side of this story, a press release that shouldn't surprise anybody. While the promised federal money is solely for newspaper and print journalism, broadcasters are angry that they're not getting a cut of the action.
"The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) is disappointed that the federal government has excluded broadcast media from journalism support tax credits announced in Budget 2019....
"The federal government's exclusion of broadcasters — the preferred source for news among Canadians — is arbitrary and unfair policy."
Broadcasters Term News Media Measures in Budget 2019 "Unfair"
Post Media gets a massive hand out and doesn't have to promise to use it for journalism.
So really, a US hedge fund just got a huge injection of Canadian tax dollars. Greeaat.
Prod Guy wrote:
Post Media gets a massive hand out and doesn't have to promise to use it for journalism
How ma$$ive? Please share your inside information on how (and when) it will be allocated. Thank you
i feel i must issue somewhat of an apology to muffy, RA and others. While i still stand by the idea that gov't money can be used effectively by news media impartially.... the list of advisory organizations is misguided and ultimately unacceptable. the hue and cry from all angles will sink this deal... one hopes.
Governments already manipulate media companies by strong arming them with their advertising dollars.