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May 24, 2019 7:52 pm  #1

Hamilton, Niagara Stns. In Battle For Ears As Toronto Presence Looms

This article from the Hamilton Spectator deals with a lot of radio issues - Stingray's new programming philosophies and why they think in-car listening is still the key to victory, competition from Toronto stations, format changes, the coming new ways of taking ratings, the challenges facing some long time Hamilton outlets, the problems that could plague campus stations and more.

And it notes that while Stingray still has a relatively small presence in Ontario, it may not be done acquiring stations yet. 

"It's got its eye on stations in the corridor from Detroit to Montreal — where drivers are most likely to be in daily gridlock or on long-haul highway trips, sipping coffee behind the wheel, listening to music to break the monotony."

Hamilton, Niagara commuters drive radio, but distort ‘local’ listenership