The TRIP TRIVAGO position is reportedly up for grabs
Last edited by Ms. C. (April 12, 2019 10:22 am)
In case you haven't seen or heard it yet, Ms. C is referring to this.
Wonder if the guy will have to book a hotel room while awaiting trial?
Ms. C. wrote:
The TRIP TRIVAGO position is reportedly up for grabs
For now, maybe just run this ad and end with a voice over saying "In any language Trivago saves you money!"
(voice work can be done by anyone, really...perhaps someone from the ad that speaks English?)
That would be such a nifty idea. Their ad agency should do this and give Radiowiz a commission for the idea.
It's my opinion that a multi-lingual ad like this will, at the very least, grab attention from polyglots if their not paying close attention when they hear another language they're familiar with and don't often hear on TV. That's what I found, anyway.
Edited to add:
This would probably never happen because of the union hassles involved. I've once had a gig where I dubbed a single word over the original American voice becuse it was actually cheaper to do than pay the rate to the U.S. voice actor for an "international" commercial.
Last edited by Peter the K (April 12, 2019 1:19 pm)