Most people who set up a pirate station don't want to go through the legal channels and just have fun getting on the air right away. Many of us have heard them, as they go a few blocks on some unused frequency (increasingly harder to find in the GTA.)
But I have to say this is probably the most unusual excuse for a "pirate" station I've ever heard of - to mix a new album so you can hear what it sounds like on your car radio.
Jack White set up a ‘pirate radio station’ just to mix from his car
Which reminds me: didn't Motown used to listen to all its songs through a car radio speaker, just to make sure it came across properly on AM? I've heard that several times, but I've never known if it was entirely true.
I remember visiting 1050 CHUM in the 70's and the operator for Terry Steele turned down the monitor and used a Radio Shack Flavor Radio to monitor the show. He said most of the audience was listening with cheap AM radios.
back in the day, a lot of TV audio console bridges sported a pair of "Horror Tones" er, Auratone 5s... for thi purpose.