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March 7, 2019 10:13 am  #31

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

And on the TV side, Hamilton's CHCH carried the speech/presser and also stayed live with the Q & A afterwards.


March 9, 2019 10:40 am  #32

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

RadioActive wrote:

If the CBC had continued to air the statement, its audience would have heard one familiar name mentioned a fair number of times - Ben Chin, the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Finance Minister.

And yes, that IS the same Ben Chin who once worked for both City TV and CBC. 

Also, CTV Halifax for a few months.


March 10, 2019 5:30 pm  #33

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

I'm trying very hard not to take a political side here, so what you're about to read is based not on my beliefs but strictly on what I heard on Sunday afternoon. I decided to listen to an hour and a half or so of CBC's "Cross Country Check-Up" where the question was, "Who do you trust in the ongoing SNC-Lavalin dispute: Justin Trudeau or JWR?"

Various callers expressed their opinions, but in the 90 mins. or so that I listened, there was only one - out of at least say, 25-30 callers - who said they no longer sided with the P.M. and would not vote Liberal in the next election. And that person's opinion was read only via a short tweet. All the others said, despite their misgivings, they would vote for the ruling Grits again in October.   

There was not a single person who said they would switch to the Conservatives and several callers insisted that Andrew Scheer was 'pure evil' and must be stopped. 

O.K., it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on. I don't care if you love JT or hate him or if you think the Conservatives are the best thing since sliced bread. But it seems absolutely impossible that you could have a national talk show and not get one single caller supporting a right leaning party.

Not one in two hours! 

I also listened for an hour or more last week with a similar topic, and again, not one person anywhere in the entire country of approx. 37 million said the Conservatives would get their vote. 

It's not that they likely didn't call. But I suspect they never got put on air.  I'm well aware these calls are heavily screened by the producers and if I'm not mistaken, they ask for a caller's name, location and phone number before they can get on air. I'm no fan of Mr. Scheer, but strictly as a matter of balance, I find it impossible to believe not a single person in the listening audience would consider voting for him. Recent polls would seem to indicate otherwise.

If the CBC was ever to try and prove they're not a mouthpiece for the Liberals, they certainly failed for two weeks in a row. Frankly, for an organization that insists it presents balanced coverage in its programming and news, this was just embarrassing.

     Thread Starter

March 10, 2019 9:23 pm  #34

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

RA quote, "If the CBC was ever to try and prove they're not a mouthpiece for the Liberals, they certainly failed for two weeks in a row. Frankly, for an organization that insists it presents balanced coverage in its programming and news, this was just embarrassing."

@RA i fully accept the results of your monitor. could it also be that there are few conservatives who tune into the cbc or are willing to call in with their opinions?  how many maga devotees would participate in a cnn call-in show, for example. the perceived bias is as harmful as anything that may exist in reality.

RA you consistently raise valid points about alleged cbc bias, but again i ask, have you contacted the ombud with your concerns?  I would respectfully challenge both you and the cbc to prove your positions empirically ...

RA as a person known to be respectful of free speech and all opinions, it is difficult for me to balance that with your position that a media outlet is polarized as a "mouthpiece" or "embarrassing" without some kind of investigative proof beyond listening to an "hour and a half" today and "an hour or more" last week. 

readers here may be cynical of specific news outlets for showing some sort of institutionalized political bias.  I am equally as cynical of those tho apply such broad terms to media based on a limited sample size. my experience with news people is they strive for integrity in everything they create.  the idea of top-down authoritarian control of editorial content in this country doesn't go beyond the business report on 680 covering rogers products or bell's let's talk day as the 6pm lead on cfto.  such cynicism needs to be reserved for rebel media, fox news and their ilk with proven track records of supporting a specific political ideal.

i am willing to accept opposing points of view, and apologize if proven wrong.  i am not trying to be argumentative, but simply promote healthy debate.

Last edited by splunge (March 10, 2019 9:27 pm)


March 10, 2019 10:30 pm  #35

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

I don't think you're being argumentative at all. Your POV is perfectly reasonable. I think you're right that this was certainly a limited sample (although I've heard similar examples on some of their Ontario-only shows at noon.)  And I also concur that the majority of people tuning in and phoning in were sympathetic to the Liberals and that might explain some of the content.

But then you might have to ask yourself why our national network seems to attract that specific audience. Recent studies show people are polarized now and tend to tune in to the media that agrees with their point of view. (Which is why I have so much trouble with both CNN and Fox.) My contention is that we shouldn't really know that about the CBC if they were doing their journalism properly. 

I might also note that I don't have quite the same issue with CBC Radio news, which seems a bit more balanced on average.(Although I will always maintain they should have covered both the JWR and the Gerald Butts addresses, as matters of national interest.) But even given all those concessions, I find it unbelievable that not a single Conservative (or NDP for that matter) supporter got on air during that two hour show. It's simply not credible that not a single one of them called in, unless someone behind the scenes stacked the deck. And frankly it hurt the show. 

To conclude, it might surprise you to find out that my real problem with what I heard isn't that the show was all-Liberal-all-the-time. I would feel the exact same way if the only ones they allowed on air were Conservative supporters. 

I'm looking for balance, fairness and differing points of view. I just didn't hear any of those three vital tenets of journalism on the air Sunday afternoon. And as taxpayer who doles out a fee to keep them on air (albeit reluctantly) that's a serious problem.

     Thread Starter

March 10, 2019 10:52 pm  #36

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

RadioActive wrote:

I'm looking for balance, fairness and differing points of view. I just didn't hear any of those three vital tenets of journalism on the air Sunday afternoon. And as taxpayer who doles out a fee to keep them on air (albeit reluctantly) that's a serious problem.

Thanks RA. It's hard to find a decent polite debate on the net.. and we agree completely on your point and in general.  I guess my umbrage is based upon the use of polarizing language more than anything.  in some ways it reflects the current american ideal of me vs you, everyone is biased except for those with my point of view.  I know that was not your intent.  on my weaker days, i read the comments after cbc articles and feel sad for Canada. (libtard! snowflake! maga choad!) My fight is about promoting effectual debate rather than giving in to the far simpler position of blind acceptance derived from whatever news best appeals to the opinion of the individual regardless of fact.

 I would very much like to see your passion and opinion passed on to the cbc ombud.  in a previous post, you mentioned that the ombud does not comment on specific programming issues, and that is true.  however, if your detailed questions are about how radio, tv, and online reflect those three tenets based on what you've experienced recently, then they are compelled to reply.  If you don't receive a satisfactory response, is Dale Goldhawk still available?  lol.

hell of a brier final eh?


March 11, 2019 12:00 am  #37

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

I guess I'm old fashioned that way. I was taught you have to have as many sides represented as possible. Only then can the reader/listener/viewer make up his/her mind. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work that way anymore, which may be why I have trouble watching Fox, CNN or MSNBC.

Speaking of which, remember that Kentucky school kid in the MAGA hat who got caught smirking at the native elder during that protest in Washington a few weeks ago? He claims the coverage was unfair and biased, that reporters jumped to conclusions and that he's since received death threats. I heard tonight  his family, in addition to suing The Washington Post, is now going after CNN as well for some outrageous amount of money.

I'm afraid this will never end and my wish for getting all sides on a story will be consigned to the scrap heap of history...Where's Walter Cronkite when you need him?????

     Thread Starter

March 11, 2019 12:25 am  #38

Re: Unbelievable! CBC Radio One Breaks Away From JWR After Just 10 Mins.

"I guess I'm old fashioned that way. I was taught you have to have as many sides represented as possible. Only then can the reader/listener/viewer make up his/her mind. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work that way anymore, which may be why I have trouble watching Fox, CNN or MSNBC. "

yes, exactly.  which is why i'm putting myself out here so adamantly to debate this topic and understand all sides.  at the same time, in the last what... 20 or so years... it seems there has been an erosion to the point that the only way to get differing pov is to seek out as many sources as possible.  yet, even after reading both cnn and fox, the truth is best found via john oliver or stephen colbert!

ultimately, could it be that "independent journalism" in Canada is a pretentious myth?