Well, if this happens, I will be extremely surprised. But according to the linked article, the federal government has ordered the CRTC to consider the consumer, affordability and competition when making policy for regulating cell phones in Canada.
CRTC must prioritize affordability in regulatory decisions: telecom minister
This isn't about broadcasting, per se, but since all the big phone companies own all the stations and delivery systems, it's related. While this certainly seems like a positive development and Canadians pay some of the highest prices in the world for those services, I still have to say I'll believe it when I see it.
Remember the "Skinny Basic" cable package that arrived with such fanfare a few years ago? Is there anyone in the country who subscribes to that or ever has? That attempt at affordability went down the drain, when the telcos figured out how to provide the worst possible choices to scuttle the spirit of the idea.
Not sure yet how they'll get around this one, but you can be sure of one thing - the lights will be burning late into the night at Rogers, Bell, Telus and the rest as they try to plot ways to avoid the idea. And I have no doubt when they're finished, it will be nothing to call home about.
You can read the actual orders here.
RadioActive wrote:
Remember the "Skinny Basic" cable package that arrived with such fanfare a few years ago? Is there anyone in the country who subscribes to that or ever has? That attempt at affordability went down the drain, when the telcos figured out how to provide the worst possible choices to scuttle the spirit of the idea.
Rogers set me up so that there is a $24.95 rental fee for my PVR, minus $24.95 off my bill for the cable package I have.
If I decide to downgrade to skinny basic "Equipment rental is not included".
My package is $50.
Why on god's green earth would I want to drop down to skinny basic if it costs the same to have a lot more channels?
The same will happen with cell phones. Pay as you go will skyrocket the per minute rate, no doubt, just to get people to take a monthly rate of some sort...
sorta off topic question, but my internet service went down for 36 hours one time... and bell gave me a rebate after much complaining. now. i pay something like $4/mo for a channel that is currently on "free preview". for the month. where's my discount?
more to the point for cell... the rates are extravagant and there's no way the gov't will force the telcos to lower prices without a parallel increase somewhere else. i'd love to cancel my home phone (which isn't even connected) but the bell discounts make that prohibitive.
the gov't giveth, and the telcos take away. or... "can't win, don't try"
splunge wrote:
i'd love to cancel my home phone (which isn't even connected) but the bell discounts make that prohibitive.
Yeah, Bell offered me "free" landline service if I switch all 4 services to bell. I said no.
They even threw in "free" Canada wide calling. I still said no.
If the cell phone rates have to drop, I highly doubt they'll still offer "free" landline service...
(I can just see it now... "But sir! You still get a very good landline rate...")
The CRTC unveiled this press release late Thursday. I can only repeat I'll believe it when I see it.
Canadians invited to share their views
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today launched a review to examine the state of the mobile wireless market and whether further action is required to improve choice and affordability for Canadians.
The CRTC is also seeking comments on its preliminary view that mobile virtual network operators should have mandated access to the networks of the national wireless providers (Bell Mobility, Rogers and Telus) until they are able to establish themselves in the market.
Finally, the Commission will be looking ahead to the future of mobile wireless services in Canada and in particular at whether regulatory measures are needed to facilitate the deployment of 5G network infrastructure.
More here