I can testify how easy it is to make a mistake when you’re putting up live TV graphics, sometimes called “keys” or “supers.” It’s one of the many jobs I’ve done at one of the TV stations where I worked over the years.
While my accuracy record was pretty good, no one is above an error. I remember a long time ago we were doing a story on Dr. Henry Morgentaler, a controversial physician who openly performed abortions in the city. I accidentally keyed a pro-choice protestor with the wrong name and a qualifier as an anti-abortionist.
This was before social media, but our phones went berserk with complaints from both sides and rightly so.
And that’s why I have some sympathy for whoever was doing the job at CTV Toronto at noon Wednesday. They ran a promo for a story about Doug Ford’s upcoming fundraising dinner. Unfortunately, the graphic that ran under the picture of a smiling Premier wasn’t exactly what they wanted. You can see it below.
It’s clear from the white line up the middle of the picture that they were setting up for a split screen with a reporter and that the drug yarn was coming up next. But given his brother Rob’s well known battle with drugs during his time as mayor, it seems especially unfortunate.
It might not be a mistake...