The RCAF always reminded me of hanging around very wealthy people, especially in entertainment. They come up with a joke you heard 25 years ago, and people laugh like they're about to bust a kidney.
For me the show has always felt like I imagine a producers meeting there would. Someone says something correct and everyone piles on with nods and gleeful acknowledgement acting like it's the best suggestion ever.
"For God's sake, Phil... leave it on the porn channel... you know how to fish!"
Then when it airs, on radio or TV, sit around fawning as it airs. I've seen it happen in other areas too many times.
Nobody will spit on the mat and call the cat a bastard, and this is what you get. I've never felt comfortable in Liberty Hall .
Having said that, I think their documentary stuff is brilliant, so maybe that mindset is well suited to specific areas. But certainly not comedy.
ig wrote:
"For God's sake, Phil . . . leave it on the porn channel . . . you know how to fish!"
Sat. AM radio show of the 70s & early 80s with Big Bobby Klobber and Sgt. Renfrew and the Member for Kicking Horse Pass and various Prime Minister's voices of the day was hilarious, but their humor didn't transfer well to television, I.M.H.O.
Actually re-reading what I posted, I also described how I feel about Saturday Night live .
ig wrote:
Actually re-reading what I posted, I also described how I feel about Saturday Night live .
You still stay awake for that?
Nope. Even if I am awake, I never think to watch it.
MediaIte always have clips within a few minutes/hours of anything interesting worth seeing. But even the 'good' stuff isn't great.
Nobody seems to have the balls to tell the emperor about his new clothes. It's the problem when everyone, including yourself, buys into your caricature. No matter how big or famous you get, you always should have at least one person in your life, who you can trust, to tell you when you forgot to wear deodorant .
geo wrote:
ig wrote:
Actually re-reading what I posted, I also described how I feel about Saturday Night live .
You still stay awake for that?
I sure as heck didn't have ANY grey hair the last time saturday night live was even remotely funny or well done. It's tiny talent time and has been for maybe 3 decades. That'd be close to 3 full decades.
I do think Rick Mercer can be VERY least much of the time. For me...loud is never/ever funny. Smart is the foundation of funny.