He was certainly an unusual and unexpected guest on Sunday’s Tim Hudak Show. It sounded pre-taped, but the former P.C. leader did half an hour with 'RB afternoon drive co-host Ryan Doyle for reasons that completely escape me.
Nonetheless, while I’m not a Doyle fan, it’s so rare to hear people on the radio actually talk about being on the radio and how the industry works behind the scenes that I had to listen to it.
Doyle went over his history and experience, related how he got into the then #1 station in town when he was still just a kid in his early 20s and tried to explain how he went from being a rabid NDP supporter to a Conservative. But what was really bizarre was all the times the name John Oakley was brought up. (Doyle started as an intern on his show when he was still on 1010.) He and Oakley are now in direct competition, an irony that can’t be lost on anyone.
A ton of former employees that work for the competition were also brought up, including Richard Syrett, now on AM740, Gene Valaitis, currently out west on TSN 1040 and a few more. I wonder how Brand Director Mike Bendixen feels about having the competition's personalities get so much free publicity on his frequency.
I also wonder what the audience on Bell’s other Ontario stations (in Ottawa and St. Catharines, which both carry the show) thought of this 30 minute appearance, featuring someone they’ve probably never heard of. All that said, because of my own radio background, I admit I found it an interesting segment.
Here's a nice companion piece if you want to hear more of that sort of talk from Ryan Doyle.