Which do you recommend & why, please & thankyew
I like Quantum (which is Firefox 57 and onwards). You can still customize the rendering engine, if you're technically inclined), but the speed has increased quite a bit. I'm a huge fan of WebRender which can utilize your graphics card to speed up page loading in Firefox Quantum 60.
Contrary to most, I am not a Chrome or Blink/WebKit fan (Vivaldi showed some promise, but new versions seem to exhibit slow downs)
Last edited by Jody Thornton (May 17, 2018 7:36 pm)
Kilgore wrote:
Which do you recommend & why, please & thankyew
It depends on what type of porn you are searching for. Some of the eastern European neo-tentacle orgy porn can only be accessed via Onion. Are you looking to hiding which gentleman's cinema you've been visiting from your spouse? It's difficult to give you a qualified answer without knowing what porn you're looking for. 😏
Overall I like Chrome but it will follow you around if you know what I mean.
Very stable and renders all pages I go to well
Irvine: I grab a burner phone from the 7-11 in Koreatown, connect to a Cambodian VPN, and surf to my heart's content. Grab a good signal from the neighbors across the road and then snap the phone into two, crush it and drop it in a recycling bin a few blocks away. If it gets picked up, those people get the blame. It's also a good system to send death threats and leave trails back against all those that done me wrong. I'm so effing passive-aggressive.
I switched to Chrome some years back after observing Firefox grabbing resources like a fat kid grabbing french fries. Now Chrome tends to do the same thing. Oh well.
IE/Edge is for chumps. I sometimes use Lynx to test just how compliant web sites are.
Porn runs smoother thru chrome. And that Cambodian VPN.
Hard to find the words to express sufficient gratitude for all of the foregoing
Kilgore wrote:
Hard to find the words to express sufficient gratitude for all of the foregoing
The above posts are the reverse of the trite saying "Ask a simple question, and you get a simple answer."
The technical info's useful, the criminal/porn angle may or may not be useful. Who'd have guessed that some members of the big yellow board had such skills, knowledge, and imagination? I was taking notes for future reference (on the tech bits).
betaylored wrote:
The technical info's useful, the criminal/porn angle may or may not be useful. Who'd have guessed that some members of the big yellow board had such skills, knowledge, and imagination?
Not in incite the rapture, but you're surprised posters here have other skills? I suppose the assumption that radio types are exclusively myopic in skill scope is out there, but...?? As for "imagination"...?? Ummm... radio is not a visual medium; it requires the host to "paint a picture" -- that requires "imagination".
Beyond that, to turn prudish and ignore the fact that the internet is a useful tool to source pornography is silly. We all do it. (What? Not ME!). That, in turn, can lead to the authorities tracking down surfers that "accidentally" stumble on a naughty site or threaten a president of a foreign country with orange hair.
Chuck99 wrote:
The new browser on the Windows O/S is Microsoft Edge. Ooops! I forgot. Many members on this board are still using Windows Vista.
I doubt it. They are probably using those AOL free dial-up CDs, along with Netscape 1.0. After all, the Waters family in the Chum days of 1957, along with their guaranteed jobs for life used it.
Chuck99 wrote:
The new browser on the Windows O/S is Microsoft Edge. Ooops! I forgot. Many members on this board are still using Windows Vista.
Windows 10 ain't that great. Even many IT pros loathe it. Vista is a tad old, but I like Windows 8. Still compatible with modern software, faster and more stable than Windows 7 too.
(just install Classic Shell to hide the Metro stuff)
Jody Thornton wrote:
Windows 10 ain't that great. Even many IT pros loathe it. Vista is a tad old, but I like Windows 8. Still compatible with modern software, faster and more stable than Windows 7 too.
(just install Classic Shell to hide the Metro stuff)
Jody, as you well know, Eastern European tentacle porn runs very sluggish on Vista. Sure, the set-up is fine, but once all eight tentacles of that huge pink octopus starts getting aroused, there is extreme pixelation. I'm sure you can attest to W8 for, what you really love, as to the gradient pleasantries of those "money shots" and the stunning grace of all that squid ink.
cGrant wrote:
Jody, as you well know, Eastern European tentacle porn runs very sluggish on Vista. Sure, the set-up is fine, but once all eight tentacles of that huge pink octopus starts getting aroused, there is extreme pixelation. I'm sure you can attest to W8 for, what you really love, as to the gradient pleasantries of those "money shots" and the stunning grace of all that squid ink.
Alrighty then!
(head shaking)
Irvine wrote:
Jody Thornton wrote:
Chuck99 wrote:
The new browser on the Windows O/S is Microsoft Edge. Ooops! I forgot. Many members on this board are still using Windows Vista.
Windows 10 ain't that great. Even many IT pros loathe it. Vista is a tad old, but I like Windows 8. Still compatible with modern software, faster and more stable than Windows 7 too.
(just install Classic Shell to hide the Metro stuff)Rubbish Jody. Windows 10 is probably the best Microsoft OS there is. It's not only secure but it's stable. And it's also a sea change with MS. Further, they're just going to to incremental improvements to Win 10 along the lines of what Apple did with OS X. This is hugely beneficial for corporations as there is no new learning curve and for the average user who still can't find the old start button. While I use Linux a fair bit, I do have Windows 10 on my laptop (for Office 365). I'm glad to see MS hired a boss with some vision. Personally I consider Microsoft to now be more innovative that Apple is.
So ridding of their testing team and having insiders do all of their tests, and then releasing buggy updates is better? I think you're the one spouting the rubbish. The last update in April is causing lots of issues for users.
Windows 8x was plenty stable. I don't know where you saw issue with it. I really think you're just trying to be contrarian to be honest. And yes Satya is bringing a sea change to Microsoft, pushing everything to the cloud. So really Windows will take a backseat other company initiatives. That doesn't sound like an OS with a future in mind.
The OS is really just a conduit for telemetry gathering. If that's what you like, then you enjoy it "slick" (sound familiar?)
I find it quite cumbersome, inconvenient & error prone to search all SOWNY threads seeking cGrant's "pearls of wisdom" posts.
I put forth the proposal that all cGrant's posts be collected in a single cGrant thread for the convenience & edification of all.
g121 wrote:
I find it quite cumbersome, inconvenient & error prone to search all SOWNY threads seeking cGrant's "pearls of wisdom" posts.
I put forth the proposal that all cGrant's posts be collected in a single cGrant thread for the convenience & edification of all.
Well, no I sometimes disagree with cGrant's or Irvine's posts, but they both bring some VERY VALUABLE ideas to the table. Some see it as trolling, but that's not true. Look, since Irvine came back, there has been more spirited posting on several topics than I've seen in quite ahile.
Just my two, twenty cents.
Jody Thornton wrote:
g121 wrote:
I find it quite cumbersome, inconvenient & error prone to search all SOWNY threads seeking cGrant's "pearls of wisdom" posts.
I put forth the proposal that all cGrant's posts be collected in a single cGrant thread for the convenience & edification of all.Well, no I sometimes disagree with cGrant's or Irvine's posts, but they both bring some VERY VALUABLE ideas to the table. Some see it as trolling, but that's not true. Look, since Irvine came back, there has been more spirited posting on several topics than I've seen in quite ahile.
Just my two, twenty cents.
Hi Jody,
I'm assuming Irvine/Irv/WCI are the same person (& I mostly see view his posts on TorontoMike).
Since Irv's recent medical adventure, he's a changed person. Provides lot of "strong" points of view for discussion\consideration but has dramatically lessened the amount of pure ego-driven caustic\disrespectful trolling he dealt out in the past. I quite like the "new Irv".
cGrant on the other hand ..
I ask, AGAIN, why is someone having a differing viewpoint than the popular one considered "trolling"? I know what trolling is, heck, I've even done some of it myself. But. Not. Here. Have you ever considered that those with a similar opinion as mine are too scared to post here? They are afraid they'll get shouted down and labelled. After all, how do the majority here welcome those with differing points? They are grouped as "trolls" and insulted. And that is supposed to welcome an outsider? Nope.
I've been in the business long enough to accept the notion that you can't please everyone; nor should you try. After all, what makes for a compelling talk show? Caller after caller agreeing with the host/guest or a torrid opposing argument?
Imagine the Maury Povich show (where he does endless "who's the daddy" episodes), would you rather watch an hour of non-conflict where kids are praising and appreciating their fathers or chair-throwing hoodlums swearing they "never done her dirty"?
Debating and disagreeing with someone else makes for an interesting thread, and I've rethought a couple of things after seeing others views/opinions.
Putting the capital H in hyperbole can turn off some people, and weaken an otherwise valid viewpoint.
And arguing just to argue is only entertaining in the Monty Python "The Argument" sketch which I have been tempted to post more than once.
Irvine wrote:
cGrant is not a troll. cGrant is a simply a online personality that understands the modern reality of radio. Unlike almost all members here he doesn't dream of the past he accepts and works in the new reality. He just has a harder edge when getting his point across. Is it over the top? Sure, but so are some of the comments from some old timers here who simply refuse to acknowledge the industry has changed because it had no choice.
Thank you. Using the label "troll" is so very loosely activated these days on the socials. Essentially, it has become anyone and everyone that disagrees with your opinion. Is my tone harsh on here? Admittedly, I confess that I could soften down my writing style, yes. Reading comments on socials or bulletin boards doesn't truly represent the spirit of the poster. I am NOT one that writes "lol" after every damn comment. Or "lmao" etc. I rather relish those that, respectfully, differ from my views. There is nothing more bland and boring than a bunch of "yes men" agreeing with a stance. (Think about it, if you are a talk radio fan, don't you find 37 sequential callers agreeing with the host b-o-r-i-n-g? The screener will most definitely put you through if you oppose the mass sentiments. Why? That's good radio.)
I won't name names, but this board does have trolls. Their posts are deliberately composed as throw-away one-liners to stir the excrement. Yet, you folks seem to ignore their troll-dem.
Jody Thornton wrote:
g121 wrote:
I find it quite cumbersome, inconvenient & error prone to search all SOWNY threads seeking cGrant's "pearls of wisdom" posts.
I put forth the proposal that all cGrant's posts be collected in a single cGrant thread for the convenience & edification of all.Well, no I sometimes disagree with cGrant's or Irvine's posts, but they both bring some VERY VALUABLE ideas to the table. Some see it as trolling, but that's not true. Look, since Irvine came back, there has been more spirited posting on several topics than I've seen in quite ahile.
Just my two, twenty cents.
Just wait... He'll answer every single thread, killing all discussion. He's just warming up.
Prod Guy wrote:
Jody Thornton wrote:
g121 wrote:
I find it quite cumbersome, inconvenient & error prone to search all SOWNY threads seeking cGrant's "pearls of wisdom" posts.
I put forth the proposal that all cGrant's posts be collected in a single cGrant thread for the convenience & edification of all.Well, no I sometimes disagree with cGrant's or Irvine's posts, but they both bring some VERY VALUABLE ideas to the table. Some see it as trolling, but that's not true. Look, since Irvine came back, there has been more spirited posting on several topics than I've seen in quite ahile.
Just my two, twenty cents.
Just wait... He'll answer every single thread, killing all discussion. He's just warming up.
Prod Guy no one can kill discussion.
Technically speaking, ig could end a discussion, and he has once, to my knowledge, closed a thread, but that's rare.
Last edited by betaylored (May 20, 2018 6:19 am)
Irvine wrote:
All things tech, Windows 10 is a big step forward for Microsoft & I think a wise move on their part. It's made OS X look very "old" too. Just remember make sure you update & patch frequently. Good security practices.
Just what is it you see about Windows 10 that's so great? Buggy updates (and don't even try denying or belittling that issue), SSD troubles with some implementations of the latest April update. And for Windows 7 and 8x (which are still in extended phase support by the way), BSOD-ridden patches for Spectre and Meltdown. Yes the latest patches are ALWAYS the way to go, aren't they? Less testing in-house is being rigorously done by Microsoft, and more testing is being submitted by insiders running Windows 10 at home basically running pre-release stuff in the preview update ring.
Yes bold moves for Microsoft. Windows 10 has been messy for a lot of users. It seems all of the praise for this OS comes from fanboys.
Geez... I must be the odd duck. I'm a Mac person. It's incredible for voicework and doesn't seem to be a target for the ne'er do-wells. Also, as mentioned in this thread by others, surfing for all that Eastern-European Tentacle gentlemens cinema is a breeze. (Cambodian VPN optional).