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February 27, 2018 3:56 pm  #1

Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

Now that Mike Stafford is officially on morning drive, it appears to mark the end of pre-noon call-in radio in Toronto. If memory serves, Mike once stated that he wasn’t overly fond of interviews, but his new gig is almost entirely filled with them. I don’t think they ever take a single phone call. It’s a total reversal from his old show, which was totally dependent on people dialing the digits.
Same goes for Moore in the Morning and, with certain exceptions, Jerry Agar. It sounds like Matt Gurney’s new show is all Q&As with officialdom as well, while Tasha Kheiriddin is mostly talking heads, too. Same for Evan Solomon’s cross country afternoon thing on the iHeart stations. NT1010’s “The Rush” is a mix, but mostly goes for interviews. And I don’t think I’ve heard Alex Pierson take a single phone call (let alone give out the number) on her show even once.  
That means the only place the so-called great unwashed can express their opinions early and often is either via Twitter or email. Not counting fill-ins, RB’s Jim Richards, Barb DiGiulio and Jon Pole rely on the phones, as does Kelly Cutrara on 640. Her cohort John Oakley will take “a flurry of fast calls” but they don’t usually stay on too long. And of course, Charles Adler (out of B.C.) answers a roster of ringers in the evening.
Only Tom McConnell over on CKTB in St. Catharines does a morning show that is almost all caller generated. (Whereas Larry Fedoruk sometimes never answers the phone.)
Not that I think this is a bad change overall. For one thing, it eliminates the same old regulars, like Sonny from Richmond Hill or the long since deceased “NDP Don” from Brampton. And as McConnell himself once said on the air, “More of me and less of you makes for a better talk show.”
As someone who produced a plethora of yakkers years ago, I like to think of callers like salt – when just the right amount is added, it can makes things a lot more tasty. But too much and it’s not good for anyone. So I guess the conclusion is if you’ve got something to say, write it down and hit 'send.'. Because it now seems the majority of local talk shows want you to keep your mouth shut - and your ears open.


February 27, 2018 4:19 pm  #2

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

Don't forget 640's overnight alternative to RB's para-crap titlted "The Shit with Dredge".  He takes plenty of calls and most aren't mentally disturbed.

As I predicted, 640 effectively killed Stafford. His sweet spot is freeform talk with calls. He's not doing this now due to the Drive Clock. In one-fell swoop, 640 moved from caller-generated format to a pale imitation of RB and, thus far, is weaker than drinking a homeless person's piss.


February 27, 2018 4:53 pm  #3

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

It's only been two days since Stafford took on the morning slot.  And even then, it's still not completely his alone -- yet.  Give it a bit of time.

The ironic thing is for someone who hates doing interviews, he does them very well.



February 27, 2018 7:38 pm  #4

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

Staff has his work cut out for him.  John Moore is all round excellent & handles the unique demands of morning drive superbly (remember how badly Carroll floundered).  Moore's the best on 1010 by a mile.

I never understood why Staff's ratings didn't crush bombastic Agar.

Good luck Mike.


February 27, 2018 7:57 pm  #5

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

In Stafford's first morning show, early on, the phone number aired with a voice over encouraging people to call.
I honestly do not know if that accidentally aired. They did not go to calls. 
THAT, or maybe they did not receive any calls.

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


February 27, 2018 7:59 pm  #6

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

<<please clap>>


February 27, 2018 8:07 pm  #7

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

Can you clarify your 'Carroll floundering' comment?  I was there and saw numbers, especially from where they were.

If it's just a comment to shit disturb, please edit it out.



g121 wrote:

Staff has his work cut out for him.  John Moore is all round excellent & handles the unique demands of morning drive superbly (remember how badly Carroll floundered).  Moore's the best on 1010 by a mile.

I never understood why Staff's ratings didn't crush bombastic Agar.

Good luck Mike.


Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.

February 28, 2018 12:46 am  #8

Re: Does Stafford’s Shift Change Mean The End Of Morning Call-In Radio?

ig wrote:

Can you clarify your 'Carroll floundering' comment?  I was there and saw numbers, especially from where they were.

If it's just a comment to shit disturb, please edit it out.



g121 wrote:

Staff has his work cut out for him.  John Moore is all round excellent & handles the unique demands of morning drive superbly (remember how badly Carroll floundered).  Moore's the best on 1010 by a mile.

I never understood why Staff's ratings didn't crush bombastic Agar.

Good luck Mike.


hi iain .. 

i see morning drive as a much different animal than the morning 9am-noon talk slot.

regardless if one is a carroll fan or not, carroll was much better suited to the talk slot with longer time slices to deal with topics at more length & depth.  i honestly felt carroll failed miserably dealing with the much more rapid fire & quick items of morning drive.  it's not necessarily a failing; just a difference in which format better suits a person's style.  it's too bad the lady co-host Carroll had for a while (was it jane brown?) left as she was a nice counter-balance to carroll.  while not exactly a fan, i didn't mind carroll during his 9am-noon talk slot.

i think john moore does a superb job mastering the "chop, chop, chop" flow of morning drive and a masterful job guiding the "round tables", expressing his observations\opinions without insulting others with different views.  moore is without doubt 1010's shining star.

While Staff is also great (i've been a fan since his weekend Trivia days at 1010), it will be interesting to see how he adapts to the "chop, chop, chop" morning drive format.

Cheers ....