The charges come from former Toronto mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson, who alleges Steve Paikin approached her in a restaurant and offered to exchange a sexual encounter for a chance to appear on "The Agenda." Unlike other broadcasters and political parties, TVO has refused to suspend Paikin until they fully investigate the claims and he will remain on the air.
It should be mentioned that Thomson made similar harassment charges against then Mayor Rob Ford, ("he grabbed my butt") but her credibility was challenged when her story started constantly changing as she tried to explain what happened.
TVO launches probe of allegations against host Steve Paikin
Statement from TVO CEO Lisa de Wilde
Weisblott's take on it, coming up @ 12:36
kudos to tvo. in my opinion, too many allegations (these days) are being viewed as truth.
A while ago, I started thinking people coming forward with possibly sketchy claims of trauma, illness, and perceived injuries, are suffering from what I call "Munchausen's By Media", in that the way the incident is presented by the victim, is for sympathy and attention by both traditional and social media.
the original hank wrote:
kudos to tvo. in my opinion, too many allegations (these days) are being viewed as truth
Amen. While it's great to shine a light on the idiots guilty of these outrageous actions, it's now become something like Sen. Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt against Communists in the 50s. Just being accused of membership in the party was enough to get you thrown out of your job and unable to find work.
It didn't matter if it was true or not and in the McCarthy days, the majority of the accusations weren't. Some people's lives were ruined forever and they were blacklisted in Hollywood because of the unfounded finger pointing, which in the case of the "Junior Senator from Wisconsin", was done solely for political gain.
Ironically, it was a TV broadcast of the hearings and the work of journalist Edward R. Murrow that brought him down. Today, I suspect that, true or not, Murrow himself would be accused of harassing someone.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, as the old saying goes.
We should learn the lessons of history but apparently we don't.
grilled.cheese wrote:
I don't trust Sarah Thomson
I came away from the handful of times I have conversed with her at various events quite literally scratching my head about how anyone could take a word she says seriously.
Here's where you can read her post that started all this craziness:
Media personality uses his position to gain sex
grilled.cheese wrote:
I don't trust Sarah Thomson
Ditto. I don't particularly trust her either. All claims of sexual harassment have to be weighed by the personality and credibility of the accuser, and I've found her wanting in both categories.
Holy eff, Tom has just invited Steve Paikin to go to Tom's Place and buy a suit during this mornings live ad break on Newtalk1010 in the most awkward, cringeworthy ad ever.
My opinion on these crazy trend...if its not reported within 48 hours its no longer valid. Coming up with stories of something that happened back in 2010? Like c'mon....and they probably enjoyed it anyways.
Steve Paikin has replied and if you read between the angry lines, may be threatening legal action.
"You’ve defamed me Sarah. I have no idea why, but you have. And I simply can’t allow that to stand. The quest to reclaim my reputation, which you’ve tried to destroy, begins now. I look forward to vindication.
MY TURN on Paikin's Facebook Page
I've stayed out of this one, probably because my personal feelings may cloud the moderation, but I need to step in.
Yesterday I deleted a couple of posts that I believe went too far, and you know I honestly try not to do that.
I've known Steve Paikin since he showed up at CHFI, 2am in the morning as the newest addition to the newsroom asking for help to edit a City Hall news report he'd just come back from. That was over 35 years ago. I've worked with him on and off and he's one of the most decent honourable people I know. Do I believe the accusations? No. But I also have nothing other than a hunch to base that on.
For the record, I'm no fan of Sara, I think she's an interesting, charming person, but our interactions have always had a bit of a strange vibe to them. That doesn't mean that (a) she is wrong or (b) she deserves to be demonized for believing she's right. She was mocked for suggesting Ford was on drugs and grabbed her at an event. Looking back now, it's not so difficult to believe that didn't happen.
As the article above suggests, and I've believed for a while now, maybe there are other issues at play and those need to be addressed, but even so, mocking her over them is beyond the pale.
Please let's play nice.
I'm one of those who voted for Rob Ford and I actually believed her when she made those accusations about mayor Ford. It actually sounded fairly plausible, as Ford did have a bit of a rep for partying and drinking too much.
It would be far better for women, if they really are going to make this kind of accusation against a more reputable personality such as Steve Paikin, that they record that conversation (her article suggests that anytime she ran into him, he would hint at wanting to sleep together so having a hidden recorder ready would be prudent).
At least then we can all hear what he's supposedly saying and can see if he was actually saying something that is getting misinterpreted (women and men don't think alike after all, one being from mars and the other from venus) or if he's genuinely being a creep.
I'm skidding off the deep end here, but I wonder if he was joking with her about the Conrad Black 'joke' that she made? "Can I be on your show.." "Well would you sleep with me??" kind of humour.
I can see me making that kind of smartass remark, assuming I legitimately believed her when she said she was joking about Black, and therefore why not just keep the joke going?
Who knows..
TomTV wrote:
I'm one of those who voted for Rob Ford and I actually believed her when she made those accusations about mayor Ford. It actually sounded fairly plausible, as Ford did have a bit of a rep for partying and drinking too much.
It would be far better for women, if they really are going to make this kind of accusation against a more reputable personality such as Steve Paikin, that they record that conversation (her article suggests that anytime she ran into him, he would hint at wanting to sleep together so having a hidden recorder ready would be prudent).
At least then we can all hear what he's supposedly saying and can see if he was actually saying something that is getting misinterpreted (women and men don't think alike after all, one being from mars and the other from venus) or if he's genuinely being a creep.
grilled.cheese wrote:
Recommend you wait for the book and steamy movie "PAIKIN PLACE" before jumping to conclusion