CFBW 91.3FM Bluewater Radio in Hanover Ontario. We have just replaced our Media Touch Broadcast System with Digital Juke Box Broadcast software. Are there any other Ontario stations using this software?
I think Northumberland 89.7 Community Radio is using DJB...
What was your reason for moving from iMediaTouch to DJB ?
Many thanks....We liked Media Touch.. To answer your question. The up front cost of annual support of Media Touch became prohibitive..
I looked into it earlier this year for a project I was working on. Quite impressive. Here's the demo, though you might want to load up on gravol before you click the 'play' button.
I'll throw this out to, if you want to explore the "free-ware" route.... check into Radio DJ software... it does require the user to be their own IT/Support but if it works, and its free.... why not?
(You could contact Trevor Joice (Engineering) or Jim Graves (Programming) at Northumberland 89.7, they could give you more info on DJB, and how it has worked for them...)
We have DJB in operation.........All that glitters isn't gold!! It has a LONG way to go to be useable...
I went to the site to take a look at it and my anti-virus software went ballistic. Claims there's a trojan there just waiting to be downloaded into the nasty bits of your computer. Just a potential warning for others...