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February 3, 2025 7:46 am  #1

When Listening To The Radio In Your Car Was Banned

It didn't happen here as far as I know, but back in the days when car radios were new, some U.S. states banned the idea of being able to listen on the go. The reason sounds familiar today: the fear drivers could be distracted by the music, the tuner or even fall asleep while soft songs were playing.

"Laws to fully ban car radios were proposed in Massachusetts and Missouri in the 1930s. Legislators in New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois proposed steep fines for car radio usage during that time as well. People who supported these bans argued that radios caused accidents because drivers listening to them were too distracted to pay attention to the road."

Seems not much has changed, although modern cars offer distractions of a very different kind. 

Turn Down That Noise! The History of Car Radios