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September 27, 2021 10:19 am  #1

Sept. 30th An Official Federal Holiday - What Will Local Radio Do?

I'm hoping the answer is mark the occasion - Truth and Reconciliation Day - but not give regular on-air people time off. John Moore confirmed the station will feature special programming on Indigenous issues Thursday morning. But he will be doing a live show. Not sure whether Jerry Agar will be on his regular shift - Dave Kaufman from CJAD was said to be on coming on at 9 AM.

The day is a federal holiday, but is not a stat in Ontario - which means anyone not employed by the government or falling under federal regulations (like radio & TV) will be working as usual. Which makes it logical that it should be business as usual on radio, too. I suspect CBC Radio 1 will devote quite a lot of time to the issue, but I doubt private stations will abandon their audience as they usually do on stats. 

Right or wrong, most of their audience will be working. That means they should be, too. 


September 27, 2021 1:26 pm  #2

Re: Sept. 30th An Official Federal Holiday - What Will Local Radio Do?

CBC Television has wall to wall celebration coverage from 1-6pm and 7-10pm. Must be extremely important if they preempt the Thursday Coronation Street episode.