I'm not sure how many here know the name Ron Britain, but he was a WCFL jock at the height of the WLS-Super CFL rivalry in the 60s and 70s and he was a legend throughout the eastern seaboard because of that killer signal.
But at 86 and mourning the loss of his wife just a week ago, the ex-radio maverick decided he couldn't live without her, and he took his own life, essentially dying of a broken heart.
Although he never worked anywhere close to this market or Buffalo, I just thought it was worth noting his passing here. He was one of the greats and frequently clashed with management, even leaving his last gig when his superior tried to get him to tone it down on air. He refused and quit instead. Try finding that kind of integrity today.
Ron Britain 1934-2020
I used to listen to WCFL. After dark the signal was great, as was many of the US Top 40 powerhouse stations. At that time Ron Britain was on in the evening from 7 - 10 PM followed by Barney Pip 10 PM - 1 AM. Dick Biondi was on in the afternoon so didn't get to hear him.
I always had trouble getting WCFL because of CFRB at 1010. That's why WLS was my usual go-to Chicago station. But both were great. CFL stood for the Chicago Federation of Labor. I always wondered how they treated their employees given a union owned the place!
Did WLS come in clearly in Hamilton, or did CHML get in the way?
Growing up in Oakville, Both WLS and WCFL came in great. When I moved to Hamilton in 1972 to attend McMaster, WLS was difficult, but not impossible, to receive. At night, where I lived in Westdale, RB got splatter from CFL. Yes, I listened to him in the 7-10 shift as well. Even wrote to him once. He sent me a CFL Survey and a signed picture! I still have it somewhere along with a photo of Cousin Brucie [1969ish]