CFRB is really hyping an hour-long one-on-one with Kathleen Wynne and Jerry Agar this Friday at 9:00am.
They are running teasers for it as of this morning, and both John Moore and Jerry have mentioned it several times.
Wynne was also ubiquitous this weekend at the Ontario Liberal party convention held to choose her successor as leader. It is an intriguing strategy for the party to have her so front and centre as they attempt to turn the page from their worst result ever. Methinks they may decide down the road to find a quieter place in the shade for her.
Last edited by 6079 Smith W (March 9, 2020 11:26 am)
I suspect some of the harsh views about her have softened in the past year in the light of her unpopular successor as premier. Reminds me of the 80s when everyone hated Pierre Trudeau in 1984 but by 1986 or 1987 views had changed (and Mulroney, though unpopular at various times, was never as unpopular as Ford is right now).
Just a note the subject line of this thread reads "Friday March 9, 2020" - for anyone confused if they missed it or it's still upcoming, the appearance will be, I believe, Friday, March 13, 2020.
AspectRatio wrote:
Just a note the subject line of this thread reads "Friday March 9, 2020" - for anyone confused if they missed it or it's still upcoming, the appearance will be, I believe, Friday, March 13, 2020.
oops. Brain went Friday, fingers went today. It turns out you can edit the title by editing the initial post.
Extra stupid mistake considering the Friday the 13th angle is figuring in the way Jerry has been promoting the spot.
Last edited by 6079 Smith W (March 9, 2020 11:27 am)
It will be nice to finally hear what old white conservative men think of Kathleen Wynne. CFRB really hasn't provided an opportunity for that in the last decade.
Coronavirus kind of took the wind out of the sails of the Jerry-Kathleen dustup. They managed to get worked up for a short period about teachers but otherwise it was almost cordial.