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February 5, 2020 11:17 am  #1

A 50-Year Radio Veteran Looks At The Industry & Hates What He Sees

Jim Philips is a 50-year veteran of radio in Florida. He recently retired and in a column for an Orlando newspaper, he offers some insights into the industry he left behind - and isn't crazy about what he sees. I found his thoughts interesting. And no, he's not one of those "things were better in the good old days" types, although it's clear he prefers the time when the industry was a lot healthier.

"I am a radio veteran who happens to be a realist. Change is part of the landscape of broadcasting. This doesn’t mean I have to like it.

"To those seeking a college degree in radio/television, I would advise that you change your major. To those still working “behind the mic,” I wish you well in your future endeavors."

Orlando Sentinel: Radio isn’t the same, and we’re worse off for it


February 6, 2020 1:45 am  #2

Re: A 50-Year Radio Veteran Looks At The Industry & Hates What He Sees

If one doesn't like what one "sees" hears from radio today - then one should go about finding a way to make it better. :-)  And yes I've been involved in some small way with radio for about 60 years.