Hallmark's Holiday Christmas movies got some big numbers stateside, but probably here may surprise you that those "Cheesy" holiday love stories pull in the viewers, but they really do!
Yes Christmas, the all Christmas music on the radio, the holiday blends of coffee's, the parades, these Hallmark cheesy as they are, they bring in listeners, customers and viewers...big time.
So, the Holiday "cheese" works this time of could say we really do celebrate "Cheeses of Nazareth" in the media. (No offense intended)...
Here's more on the story
The ratings have been good for these movies. W has been showing up in the Numeris top 30 quite a bit over the past month. They carry the Hallmark movies every night all through the Christmas season. Hallmark produced about 100 movies this past year, and 70 or more were shot all over Canada, many of them with a Christmas theme.
Last edited by paterson1 (December 31, 2019 1:31 am)
Clearly this is a result of the rise of Trumpism and we should be afraid of their success here. Don't worry, the nouveau moral majority is here to shame those that watch these films.
Since so many of these movies are made in Canada and receive tax credits, does that mean Canada is funding fascist propaganda? CNN previously detailed how Paw Patrol and Thomas the Tank Engine (both of which are animated in Toronto) are also fascist propaganda. We have a severe problem here.
Journalism would be better respected if people like this (who are trolls in the most positive of light, or insane in the more realistic light) weren't given a platform for clicks.
There are a few flaws in this article and position from the author in the Salon feature. And of course her article, or the tongue in cheek piece from CNN on the two children's shows, does not make something automatically fascist propaganda.
Amanda Marotte seems to be claiming the Hallmark productions are so popular now because of the rise of Trumpism and right wing zealots. This makes the Hallmark productions fascist propaganda to her because of the "sudden" popularity among other things.
Hallmark has been producing material for TV since 1951 and their productions have always been popular. Trumpism or his supporters have little to do with Hallmark's popularity. No doubt conservatives or at least female conservatives likely do relate to many Hallmark movies, but this is not new.
These productions are somewhat like Harlequin romance novels. Hallmark has a cookie cutter formula for story writing, which yes tends to be family oriented, safe and predictable. They have used this format for decades. When the plots become overly predictable and not popular any longer for their audience, like any business, Hallmark will make changes if they want to remain successful.
Success and simple formula stories that have mass appeal would not make their movies or productions fascist propaganda. You can argue they are one dimensional, boring, overly white, dated and homogeneous but they are hardly fascist.
CNN's comments and story about Paw Patrol and Thomas the Tank Engine were both tongue in cheek. If they were serious about the two children's programs being fascist propaganda CNN would still be talking about this. They do have a habit of not letting go of topics and stories that they feel are important. Remember Malaysian Flight 370? CNN has also questioned the motives of some of the characters on Sesame Street in the past, again tongue in cheek. Maybe CNN needs to work on their comedy a bit.
True, Hallmark did recently flip flop on the lesbian wedding kiss commercial. They actually responded to both groups. Initially running the ad, which a strong conservative fascist organization likely wouldn't do in the first place. Then buckled under and pulled the ad when conservatives complained. They buckled again when various LGBTQ and liberal organizations complained, and put the ads back on the air, with an apology.
The reality is, if the author considers Hallmark movies fascist propaganda, so are about 90% of all commercials on television. Maybe she does consider commercials fascist propaganda?
Here is a little insight into the author, Her latest book is titled-
Troll Nation-How the Right Became Trump Worshipping Monsters Set on Rat F*cking Liberals, America and The Truth Itself
So to be fair, it seems like Hallmark is hardly the only one pushing some propaganda, and trying to sell some product.