In my recent post about audio from the two Hodges, David Marsden asked if I was familiar with the film 'I Am What I Play" and I mentioned that I had audio of David and film director Roger King being interviewed by Ted W on CFRB. I went looking for that tape but could not find it but I got a pleasant surprise. I found a tape of John Donabie interviewing David and Roger on CIUT.
I don't recall hearing the broadcast when I originally recorded it but it is a wonderful discussion about free form radio and the bonus content after the interview reminds me about the glory days of the old CHUM FM. I hope both gents do not mind that I took the liberty to upload the clip as it's relatively recent but should be of interest to Toronto radio geeks.
Would be nice if something like the HD2 feed of Indi 88.1 brought back John, David, Geets, Brian Master and others to create interesting radio content on local terrestrial radio but I know that's just a pipe dream under the current landscape.
John Donabie with David Marsden & Roger King
Last edited by Fitz (December 10, 2019 4:09 pm)
Hey Fitz - that's cool.
I had forgotten we did that show. As always - the result of an interview depends on the talent of the interviewer. In this case that was John Donabie. Thanks for finding this Fitz, and thanks for the care and knowledge you brought to that interview John.