I've come to really like this author, a guy named Richard Wagoner. He not only writes about radio every week, he actually loves the medium. And imagine - a newspaper guy doing a regular column on the subject. What a concept!
In a new post, he relates a rather sobering truth about why many younger listeners have tuned out radio completely - and wonders if they can ever be tempted back. The examples of what he discovered with his college age sons are rather disturbing - and they may be pretty typical of what lies ahead if the industry doesn't get its act together before everyone in the demo that still uses the medium dies out.
How radio programmers might reach younger listeners
The greater challenge and opportunity - for ratings AND revenue - is being increasingly relevant. How? Answer this:
No matter what demo/psychographic you’re targeting, apart from all the wonderful things you do in your community, what are you doing/what can you do to create a more profitable, continuous, self-amplifying, and self-sustaining, community-focused experience, doing so for the concurrent benefit of your market's constituents (not just your audiences), your advertisers and your companies?
Even before the advent of online music many young people when I was growing up didn't listen to the radio or would only listen to alternative stations such as CFNY in its heyday, college radio, or CBC Stereo overnight in the days of Brave New Waves.