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July 11, 2019 9:54 am  #1

Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

This report deems the Apollo Moon Landing on July 20th, 1969 as one of the greatest television broadcasts ever...

I still remember it...I was 8 at the time and was vacationing at a family cottage in Beaverton and we watched it on Saturday Night, with the bold bright moon in the night's sky. I remember going outside to look at the moon and even at 8 years old, I was in total awe and amazement that a man was on the moon and we could watch the moment with Walter Cronkite on the news desk, painting the picture for the world to see.

Here is the story about why some feel this was the greatest broadcast ever.


The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

July 11, 2019 10:44 am  #2

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

I once did a talk show on a slow day with the question, "What was the greatest news story in history?"

Some said the victory in WWII, others had a more religious bent. But the overwhelming consensus was man landing on the moon. One person noted that for centuries, human beings had looked at our closest celestial neighbour and wondered, "what's up there?"

Now we know - not much! 

But it was still likely the most phenomenal achievement in human history, especially when you consider they did it with equipment that was less sophisticated than a Commodore 64!

My parents let me stay up late to watch the thing unfold. I'll never forget the super they used on screen. "Live from the Moon," it read. It still sends a small chill up my spine whenever I think of it.

In an era of space shuttles and stations, and satellite broadcasting, it's easy to take it for granted. But it was a big, big deal back then. 


July 11, 2019 11:00 am  #3

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

It's also the 40th anniversary of Skylab crashing into Australia. Good times.


July 11, 2019 11:28 am  #4

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

Just to correct things, July 20, 1969 was a Sunday. I remember watching the event with my sister and parents on our eight year old 23" Phillips b&w console tv. What sticks in my mind most about that day was that while Dad was bbqing chicken for dinner, I was inside tv dxing. It must have been quite a tropo opening that day because I had a viewable picture on all the open VHF channels that day. Syracuse on 3 and 5. Rochester on 8, 10 and 13. Erie on ch 12. When it actually became time to sit down and watch the event, we chose, I am sure like most people, "Uncle" Walter Cronkite on ch 4.


July 11, 2019 11:59 am  #5

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

Yes, it's true - they can find a way to sponsor ANYTHING!


July 11, 2019 8:42 pm  #6

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

I thought I still had this somewhere but it took me awhile to find it. This is the TV Guide from July 19-25, 1969, the week of the moon landing.


mace wrote:

When it actually became time to sit down and watch the event, we chose, I am sure like most people, "Uncle" Walter Cronkite on ch 4.

Like you, our family also chose The Most Trusted Man In America for the big event. Although I have absolutely no memory of Bob Hope, Orson Welles, Buster Crabbe (!) or Keir Dullea being part of it.  

I'm not quite sure I understand the listing below. The record shows Armstrong stepped on the moon at 10:56 PM Eastern time, not the 2 AM timeline suggested below.  

Cronkite was so much the face of the moon landing that he was asked to write an article for that week’s guide.  

Cronkite himself would later confess that he was overwhelmed by the achievement and regretted for years that his first real on-air reaction after the module touched down was “Whew! Boy! ” You can hear it at the 1:56 mark in the video below.


July 11, 2019 10:19 pm  #7

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

RA:   The original Flight Plan called for a 4 hour rest period post-landing.  The crew however,  (and this was anticipated as written in future memoirs) were more than ready to commence the Lunar Surface E.V.A. after completing the Post Landing Checklist.  After the Flight Director formally reviewed the crew's request with his Mission Control Team; permission was granted to immediately proceed to the Surface elements of the mission.  The walk preparation took longer than expected however, so the net gain was approximately 3 hours ahead of the original timeline.


Last edited by Media Observer (July 12, 2019 10:46 pm)


July 11, 2019 10:40 pm  #8

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

Oh so that explains it. It's actually a good thing - as a kid, I doubt my parents would have let me stay up until 2:15 AM, even to see history. Come to think of it, I'm not sure they would have stayed up that late, either. The time - 10:56 PM - was just about perfect.
I notice in those listings above that ABC, who nobody watched in those days, had Rod Serling as a guest host, talking to sci fi writers, including Isaac Asimov.

Interesting idea.

I mean if you're going to the real Twilight Zone, you might as well have the guy on who got there first!  




July 12, 2019 9:37 am  #9

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

The 2 hour PBS documentary "American Experience: Chasing the Moon" is airing at various times this week.

It is filled with clips of network coverage from CBS/Cronkite, and ABC/Reynolds.   And even covers the some of the perspective of the print media.

The ascent engine on the LEM was the only critical system on the LEM without a redundant or back-up system. If the ascent engine on the LEM did not fire, The New York Times had a Headline/front page already to go to press...  "MAROONED". 

There is clip of a press conference where a young Lloyd Robertson (then with CBC) asks the Apollo 11 crew if they have had time to think of the philisophical message theit mission has meant.

The setup is the post mission world tour that NASA and the USA sent the Apollo 11 crew on.  It showed and admitted that the vast majority of the training for the crew focused on the flight and mission, with very little thought being given for how to prepare the astronaunts for the scope of world public/media reaction.

Of all the netorks and reporters in the world covering this story at the time, they choose a clip with Lloyd Robertson of CBC.  Canada was there!!!


July 12, 2019 10:44 am  #10

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

Alas.  Sitting alone in  my apartment in St. James Town, watching it alone.  It was however exciting.  I recently enjoyed Apollo !!.  The footage was absolutely pristine.


July 12, 2019 10:55 am  #11

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

National Geographic TV ran a piece yesterday in which it was disclosed that Pres. Richard Nixon had a backup speech in hand to be given in the event the lunar lander didn't function as intended, and Aldrin + Armstrong were left resting in peace (or otherwise) forever on the moon 


July 12, 2019 5:22 pm  #12

Re: Next week is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

grilled.cheese wrote:

Fake news.