I couldn't help but laugh when CFRB's afternoon drive co-host Ryan Doyle boldly promo-ed his Doug Ford interview on Monday at 5 PM, by promising his reaction to the Kathleen Wynne Q&A he'd just done an hour before. "What will he have to say about what Kathleen Wynne told us? We'll find out because he was listening!" he promised.
Well, Ryan, actually no, he wasn't. At the exact same time the Premier was babbling to you, Ford was over at Corus Quay doing the same thing with GNR 640's John Oakley. Which means he couldn't possibly have heard what she said - although his handlers have likely briefed him.
Nice try to make it seem like he was tuned in to you, though. Truth in advertising? Not even in promos, it seems.
RadioActive wrote:
Doug Ford interview on Monday at 5 PM, by promising his reaction to the Kathleen Wynne Q&A he'd just done an hour before. "What will he have to say about what Kathleen Wynne told us? We'll find out because he was listening!" he promised.
Well, Ryan, actually no, he wasn't. Truth in advertising? Not even in promos, it seems.
With all due respect, how do we know that the interview with Ford wasn't specifically set-up under the proviso that he actually was to tune in and then comment? Perhaps, his handlers double-booked him? It is a possibility. Ryan and RB are not generally known to false advertise. (with the exception of all that My Pillow crap)
It's impossible. He was on air live with Oakley at 640 at the exact same time as Wynne was over at 1010. So unless he had an earphone in his ear with a radio set to CFRB, there's no way he could have heard it.
RadioActive wrote:
It's impossible. He was on air live with Oakley at 640 at the exact same time as Wynne was over at 1010. So unless he had an earphone in his ear with a radio set to CFRB, there's no way he could have heard it.
Now hold on!
I heard him tell Ryan he said he was going to find efficiencies to cut the deficit and debt yet cut our hydro bills in half and eliminate income taxes for anyone making less than $30,000. Surely, anyone able to do that should be able to do an on-air interview on one station while listening to another one at the same time. Ryan accepted all that without question. Why can't you??
Have some Kool-Aid. You'll understand everything then.
RadioActive wrote:
It's impossible. He was on air live with Oakley at 640 at the exact same time as Wynne was over at 1010. So unless he had an earphone in his ear with a radio set to CFRB, there's no way he could have heard it.
cGrant wrote:
Perhaps, his handlers double-booked him? It is a possibility.
In known history, Agents/Publicists/Bookers HAVE been known to make errors. And, in this last-minute rush-rush to get some talking points and cast as wide of a net as possible, it's more likely than you think.
You don't think if Lindsay had asked for an MP3 of the interview she wouldn't have been sent one? Or just recorded it on somebody elses phone?
Then just skim through it in the car on the way over.
Dunno, my 2c.
RadioActive wrote:
It's impossible. He was on air live with Oakley at 640 at the exact same time as Wynne was over at 1010. So unless he had an earphone in his ear with a radio set to CFRB, there's no way he could have heard it.
Bit of a stretch, but I suppose it's possible. Doesn't seem likely in the few minutes he had to get from Corus Quay to 299 Queen W. - even in rush hour traffic.
In my experience, and I assure you I’ve had some, stations are given a warning about the schedules of an in-demand guest (especially a making-the-rounds-politician.) The PR/booking people are on a tight timeline and generally tell the media involved that Person A has to be at Station C by a certain time – unless it’s a phoner. That’s how the hosts know to wrap it up in time.
I can’t say what happened here and I’m probably overreacting. I think what’s set me off is the seemingly endless unadulterated amount of bullshit I’ve heard on the air the past few weeks/months. Perhaps I’m over-sensitized to it but I listen to a lot of local radio during the day and when I hear something I know isn't factual, it makes me question the credibility of everything else I hear from that person or station.
There’s the Ryan Doyle promo that happened Monday, which clearly wasn’t true.
There’s Jack Berkovits putting out questionable ratings info about his show and his qualifications on AM 640 this Sunday.
There's the inane blather from the politicians themselves, who I wouldn't believe if they said "good morning."
And then there are other irritations, like the Tom’s Place spot voiced by both Ted Woloshyn and John Oakley, claiming that “everybody knows Tom’s Place is the undisputed world champion in selling suits.” Really? Everybody knows? Undisputed world champion? This is quite a claim. Show me the proof of this statement or stop making it.
I’ve said it before: everyone on radio exaggerates at some point. But you can't just make stuff up. There’s a fine line where publicity crosses over into prevarication. And in the end, I suppose that’s what drives me crazy. And as many here know, it's not a long drive!
RadioActive wrote:
Bit of a stretch, but I suppose it's possible. Doesn't seem likely in the few minutes he had to get from Corus Quay to 299 Queen W. - even in rush hour traffic.
And then there are other irritations, like the Tom’s Place spot voiced by both Ted Woloshyn and John Oakley, claiming that “everybody knows Tom’s Place is the undisputed world champion in selling suits.” Really? Everybody knows? Undisputed world champion? This is quite a claim. Show me the proof of this statement or stop making it.
RB is at 250 Richmond St W, 3rd floor and not at 299.
Boy, somebody is crusty today.
As for The Butcher of the English Language (Tom), I made that observation about the absurd hyperbole of his claims. He needs to provide proof of that crap.
Must be the change to Daylight Saving Time that's making me so cranky.
Although I love the longer days. Just wish I could love what I'm hearing to spread as much light.
BTW, the drive from Corus to RB is, with ZERO traffic, 11 minutes if going via Queen's Quay and 9 minutes, if going via Richmond. Now, add traffic, and.... plenty of time to be briefed for the next talker.
And, p.s.: I love the crusty version of you --- keep it up! It's refreshing!
Last edited by cGrant (March 12, 2018 7:42 pm)
Schadenford : pleasure derived by a politician from another politician's misfortune.