The Corp's. antenna that provides service to the nation's capital is 37 years old and has reached the end of its life. So they're going to be upgrading the transmitter over the next few weeks, and if you live in the area and turn any of the many CBC signals on, you may not always hear anything.
And these intermittent interruptions could go on for a while.
"From Oct. 6 until Nov. 29, 2024 CBC will replace and upgrade its aging broadcasting infrastructure of CBC Radio One (CBO‐FM), CBC Music (CBOQ-FM), Ici Première (CBOF-FM) and Ici Musique (CBOX-FM) at its transmission site...
This work may affect listeners tuning in on the 91.5 FM, 103.3 FM, 90.7 FM and 102.5 FM frequencies with interruptions or loss of signal."
Even though the outages are temporary, that's one of the longest time period of possible interruptions I've ever seen. But if you're a listener and hear nothing, at least you'll know why.
CBC/Radio-Canada Ottawa-Gatineau service interruptions