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October 9, 2022 8:57 am  #1

When Pre-Taped News Shows Suddenly Become Dated

I've mentioned Corus Radio's "A Word In Edgewise" before. It airs Sunday mornings in this market and consists of two of the company's talk show hosts batting around the issues of the week. I believe it's recorded on Friday and most of the time, it's a simple recap of the previous week's events. 

But not this time. 

On Sunday, this thing started off dated and just got worse. It began when guest talker and 640 morning host Greg Brady immediately began discussing how all Canadians were getting on the Blue Jays' bandwagon, even though that bandwagon crashed and burned in the worst possible way the previous night.

And then they moved on to the Hockey Canada yarn, talking about how board chair Andrea Skinner needs to go. Of course, she HAS gone, with her resignation announced on Saturday night. But they didn't know that when the show was recorded. 

The dated portions continued for half an hour of the 60 minute show, and while it's no one's fault, it does show the hazards of pre-recording a program that deals with breaking news. If I could get a Word In Edgewise, I personally would have pulled the show instead of airing something that made the guests, both Corus personalities, sound clueless, but I'm sure no one at the company was even aware of the content. 

Worse yet, this thing is scheduled to air again at 7 PM Sunday night, when the out-of-date news will be even older!

Luckily, this kind of thing doesn't happen often, especially on a long weekend. But this is one of those rare times they got caught when the news outpaced the show. And it made them all sound terrible.