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April 19, 2022 10:00 am  #1

Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

There's nothing quite so annoying as the "regular caller" on a talk show. And there are few quite as irritating as the guy who ID's himself as "Sonny From Richmond Hill." He's a black man originally from South Africa and I believe he lived through the unforgiveable era of Apartheid, so his attitude on racial issues is somewhat understandable, if extreme. 

The topic came up on Jerry Agar's show on NT1010 Tuesday, and to my surprise, the call screener put him on the air. The two went back and forth as you might expect, with each calling the other a bigot. But when Sonny admitted he would have gladly help burn down a church primarily attended by Aboriginals to protest residential schools, Agar lost patience with him, noting "burning churches, especially for faiths that had nothing to do with the schools, is completely wrong."

At that point, the argument grew even more heated, and Agar not only hung up on him, but declared he was banned from his show for the future. 

Anyone who's listened to talk radio for any length of time has heard Sonny. He calls every show he can get on all the time, always arguing about race or politics from a racial point of view. The man is clearly obsessed with the topic. And he can be very obnoxious. Most shows have long since declared him persona non grata.

The only one who hasn't, to my knowledge, is Tom McConnell on CKTB, who lets him on quite often. McConnell's tactic when his caller goes too far is to wryly insult him, refute his arguments, and then gently say his goodbyes. But he always takes his call.

I'm curious about this "banning" policy in general. (And I know a lot of people hate Agar, but this isn't about him, per se.) Is it better radio to let the obsessed person spout his insanity, correct him and say goodbye, or never let him on in the first place? I only had to do it once in my career and not because the guy was obnoxious. But he called every single day over and over trying to get on and eventually it just became too much. So we restricted him to only once a week, which helped. 


April 19, 2022 12:25 pm  #2

Re: Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

The fact that Bell owns both NT1010 and CKTB tells me that it's strictly up to the individual show and not up to someone higher up. Now try talking about Marine land (in a negative way)... lol 


RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


April 19, 2022 12:42 pm  #3

Re: Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

The late John Michael used to get into terrible trouble with management over Marineland. But it never stopped him from talking about it - or criticizing the place. 

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April 19, 2022 12:46 pm  #4

Re: Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

Phoque Marineland!


April 19, 2022 3:15 pm  #5

Re: Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

Well, just when I thought this was a one-off moment, I forgot that Jerry Agar's show is also heard now on CKTB. So when Sonny From RH inevitably called into McConnell's show on Tuesday, he couldn't resist asking him about it. 

"How does it feel to be banned?" the host wanted to know as he brought his constant caller on air.

To which Mr. Richmond Hill replied that he'd been slandered on air by being called a bigot and threatened to complain to what he called the "CRT," leaving off the last "C." And then he responded by calling Agar a bigot! 

And now you know why he's been banned by so many stations. But it was hilarious that McConnell heard the show and asked his "regular caller "about it, without ever really explaining what had happened earlier that day.

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April 19, 2022 5:37 pm  #6

Re: Sonny From Richmond Hill Gets Banned From Another Talk Show

Indeed, it's tough to argue any such action would be justified no matter how big the wrong. But there's absolutely no justification for saying it's OK to torch a church that's not even affiliated with the historical crime in any way. 

I'm sorry for what happened to you, but as awful as it is, you need to seek justice within the lines. And I hope you get it soon. 

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