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February 23, 2021 11:56 am  #1

John Moore Reveals He Was Once Placed Under Arrest

On Monday's John Moore show on CFRB, the subject of people getting arrested came up. Moore admitted that in his youthful past, he, too, had been charged by the cops. He wouldn't say exactly what he'd done or why he was arrested, but it sounded like there was an instance when he was young and foolish and maybe had a wee bit too much to drink. 

I believe he said the charges never amounted to much and he later had them expunged. Interesting to contemplate this mild mannered, soft spoken radio host having a confrontation with police. I'd love to know what happened, but he insists it's part of his history - and he'd prefer it stay there.    


February 23, 2021 12:27 pm  #2

Re: John Moore Reveals He Was Once Placed Under Arrest

I seem to remember John Moore making reference to it in the past.It involved John and a group from either university or the comedy troupe he was involved in. They had over imbibed, were in a public place, and John was caught baying at the moon. Not sure in what municipality baying at the moon is illegal, though it more likely it was public drunkenness. Baying at the moon may be what brought the authorities attention to the group.Anyone here that has inside knowledge of the circumstances about this can correct me if I'm wrong on this.


February 23, 2021 12:31 pm  #3

Re: John Moore Reveals He Was Once Placed Under Arrest

As long as it was baying at the moon and not some other kind of mooning!

     Thread Starter

February 23, 2021 12:48 pm  #4

Re: John Moore Reveals He Was Once Placed Under Arrest

Now JM is someone I wouldn’t mind seeing the bottom of a bottle with.
I suspect he has some pretty good stories that may need a little encouragement falling off the tongue.

Last edited by Justalistener (February 23, 2021 12:50 pm)