The dreaded air check.
You can see it in the body language of the hosts when they walk into the PDs office that they rather be anywhere else but in that office. That said, the only thing worse than being in the PDs office for an air check is never being invited in to that office for an air check. And this is one of the biggest problems facing emerging radio talent today. No feedback to help young talent grow as broadcasters.
The biggest misconception young broadcasters have about not getting an air check is to assume that's because their PD thinks they are doing a great job on air. WRONG! If you aren't hosting morning or afternoon drive, you're not on their radar. These days PDs are overworked hosting their own show, dealing with the GM, the sales department, the website and listener complaints. At best, they only have time to provide feedback to the morning show and maybe afternoon drive.
So that got me to thinking (consultants have a lot of time to think) there are two blogs here. One, about what to do if you aren't getting air checks and Two, how to survive an air check.
If you aren't getting air checks, click on #1 to find out what you can do to get the feedback you need to grow as a broadcaster.
If you're lucky enough to get air checks, than you need to understand that this is a learning experience, not a boxing match with the PD. So click on #2.
That's all good...if the p.d. is qualified to give air-checks. We don't want 'Smitty', the distant cousin, twice removed, from Billy Bob Smith and Sons Paintin', Roofin' and Yard Disposal Inc. TELLING Pablo P how to paint.
Yet ... THAT'S happened before.
I get your point though. When the roles are reversed we don't want Pabo P ignoring poor, unfortunate Smitty.