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June 14, 2020 5:38 pm  #1

Hallmark Channel gets wrapped for lack of diversity on the BLM issue

Hallmark TV productions went on their social media channels sharing support for the BLM movement and then almost immediately got wrapped for being hypocritical as their specials tend to lack racial diversity. Which after watching a few (I was desperate, so hold the laughter and the jokes), I tend to agree with.

They do really lack featuring black actors as key cast members and as the article points out inter-racial couples are pretty well out of the question.

Here is more on this story, these are sensitive times and for media, be it radio or TV, you almost need sensitivity training on this issue as you don't want to seem to go overboard, but at the same time having a respectful, dignified approach to being fair, diverse and open to varying ethnic and sexual orientations.


Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (June 14, 2020 5:40 pm)

The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

June 15, 2020 8:57 am  #2

Re: Hallmark Channel gets wrapped for lack of diversity on the BLM issue

I don't watch Hallmark TV, I don't watch BET TV, I don't watch Fairchild TV, I don't watch TV Asia, I don't watch Jewish Life TV.   I don't watch anything Paris Hilton or Kardashian or Duck Dynasty related.  My  don't watch list goes on & on & on.

Aren't they each just targeting a specific audience?